Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I wasn't sure where to post this question, but I figure Puppy Madness was as good a place as any:)

Anyway, my husband and I have been talking about adding another Goldendoodle to our little family. And we keep going back and forth on whether or not we should.

We have a two year old Goldendoodle, Daisy, that we have had since she was 8 weeks old. She is the most perfect baby ever, and a Mommy's girl all the way:) She is super needy; she begs me to play with her and pet her all the time!! Just look at the pictures below!

Daisy loves to play with other dogs and she is EXTREMELY submissive, so I don't think having another dog in the house would be a problem that way. I am more worried about the attention. I am worried she'll be jealous of any attention that the puppy gets. I am also worried about the flip side: will she not want to cuddle with me any more if she has a playmate 24/7? I know that might be an irrational question, but I just love our cuddle time and I'm a little worried...

Part of the reason that I want to get another dog too is because we want to have a human baby in the next 1-2years, and I want Daisy to have a playmate when I am busy with the baby. I know that with a (human) baby, I won't have as much time to pay attention to her as I do now, so I was hoping that having a little sister might keep her occupied.  

Do you guys have any suggestions or experiences that you can share to help us make our decision?

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It's not the same situation but similar, in a way. We have Nimbus' brother over this week. He is used to all the attention, food, toys, etc. They are having so much fun. They wrestle and run all day, and then they plop down and fall asleep.

I was worried about Nimbus not being cuddly with me if there was a 2nd dog. That's not the case. If anything, they compete for your love and attention. LOL.

I do want to add a 2nd doodle at some point.

Here they are.

They are precious! Daisy has cousins that we spend at least one weekend per month with and she loves them to death, so I *fingers crossed* think she'd be fine. I'm just a really nervous mommy;) Thank you for sharing your experience! those last two photos of Nimbus lying on his side, I had to take a triple take.  Looks exactly like Maggie when she lies on her side!

Helga, when Maggie is on her side like this, it looks more like Nimbus. (You have to click the iPad won't give me the option to embed. Odd)

You're right. It's uncanny. Nimbus' nose is a little pointier (actually his whole face). Must be the poodle in him.

My DH had the same concerns when we first started discussing adding a 2nd doodle. Those thoughts didn't even occur to me. I knew Lucy would love a live-in playmate, and it would only expand the love, not diminish it. As Helga mentioned, there was some vying for our attention at first (and still is) but they work it out amongst themselves. Don't worry about the cuddling you'll be getting when Daisy has a playmate. Nothing in that area ever changes. We seem to find time for one-on-one time with both doodles, so they get what they need (as do we).

The bigger question is everything else that goes along with having 2 dogs. Twice the expense (food, vaccinations, medical, grooming, gear and toys, crate); additional time to train a new dog; twice the handful when taking for walks, to the dog park, etc.; transportation arrangements in car, etc.

If you're truly ready for a 2nd doodle, in every way, then I don't see any reason to worry.

Debb - thank you for the reassurance! We don't seem to have a problem with the bigger questions:) I'm just worried about the adjustment for Daisy.

I have 2 doodles, also a little different situation, mine are half brothers and are only 3 weeks apart in age. They are best buddies and play together, keep each other company and are both still loving and attention seekers. I have never had an issue crating them. They are in separate crates beside each other and I think as long as they are with their buddy, they never bark when I leave them or ever seem stressed. Having had multiple dogs in the past, my husband and I just felt that that having 2 would work better for us. There is always the expense of 2 dogs whether it's food costs, kenneling, vet. visits, etc. As long as you are ok with that I think its a great idea, can't wait to see new puppy

There is a group called "Multiple Doodles" and there have been several discussions about this. As with anything, there are pros and cons but I can tell you it is sooo worth it! You will still get your snuggle time X2! Check out the group:

Thanks!  Didn't know that group existed.  I've been contemplating the same thing although my husband thinks I'm nuts :-)

I had many of the same concerns you do, but if you decide to get another I think you will probably be surprised how quickly Daisy will adapt.  I had never had two dogs at the same time in my life, so it was a bigger adjustment for me.  I was used to taking Charlie pretty much everywhere.  He was my shadow, my garden dog, and my heart dog!  Some things to keep in mind - It is easier to travel with just one and also grooming for just one really was a breeze.  Now with two, I find myself not taking both at the same time - unless my husband is going along.  I do take them often but separately that way we have one on one time and I enjoy it more than trying to concentrate on two.  For our daily walk, I always take both of them and they seem to enjoy walking together.  It gives Beau confidence to have his brother with him on walks.  It is a time commitment when it comes to grooming two little faces and their ears, eyes & tails each day, but we have figured that out too!  I brush their bodies out completely about every 3rd day now that they are adults and they go to the groomer for major grooming.  Whatever you decide to do, just prepare yourself for double everything, including fun and love!!

We have two doodles, we've never had a Labradoodle before and myself, brother, sisters & dad all wanted two dogs cause were a big family but my mum wasn't sure. Sure we went on a waiting list for Dougal (our choclate doodle, youngest) and was waiting to get him when he was born in the October, right at the end. But in was in contact with a breeder close to our house and she has two doodles left from a litter she recently had, and she explained how we could come and see the doodles to see the type of dog we was going to be buying (as we've never had a doodle before) she said we didn't have to buy one or anything just come and see how they are ect. we all agreed we wasn't going to fall in love and want to buy any of these puppies, we was just going to look at them. My mum was insistin we wasn't having them just looking. BUT when we got there. Thee most gorgeous puppies I've ever seen. We ALL fell in love. As soon as Louie (our cream doodle, oldest) come running over to us with his gorgeous face and curly body my mum just said "We have to have him!!" We was even thinking about getting his brother ha ha!! So that's how we ended up with Louie. But we was still waiting for Dougal to be born, and then when he was born we went up to see him - he was only a few days old so couldn't really tell but his mum and dad were both there. And we fell in love with them. So we said we would have Dougal aswell.

We all had doubts and nervs and excitement as to how they would get on, would they like each other, will they fight, will Louie like a new puppy in the family as we had him for around 2/3 months before we got Dougal. We was all very excited but scared aswell.

BUT. IT WAS THE BEST THING QE EVER DID. I've never met two dogs who get on aswell. They copy everything off each other, play together 24/7, share toys/bones everything. They cuddle when they sleep. And they still have one to one moment with each of us were they will come up and cuddle us. They're amazing. And Louie is better behaved since we fr Dougal. Obviously he's not an angel, he's a doodle puppy - but he has changed in a good way. There brilliant together. The joy you get out of watching them playing together and cuddling together is unreal. It's so cute!

I would reccomend anyone to get another. Best thing we ever did! X



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