Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

February 2013 Blog Posts (56)

2nd Annual Doodle Lovers Cruise 2013 - JOIN US!

The ship is sailing in 247 days and YOU can be on board.  For anyone new to DK - this will be -our 2nd annual Doodle Lovers Cruise and last year was a BLAST so don't miss this…


Added by Jane, Rooney & Stuart on February 8, 2013 at 7:11am — 54 Comments

DK Really does make a difference!!!

I just cannot believe how much of a difference being a part of DK has already made for me.  In just one week I took advice from a member to hire a dog walker to come mid day while I'm at work which has turned out to just be absolutely wonderful! My what a difference it has made! Then I learned that I've apparently been living under a rock as it pertained to foods so I took advice from the wonderful Karen and officially switched my little Goldie to a recommended brand. We chose Blue Buffalo…


Added by Star and Goldie on February 7, 2013 at 4:51pm — 23 Comments


The month of February has been set aside as National Pet Dental Health Month. And while the majority of humans don’t consider a trip to the dentist to be one of their top 10 most favorite things to do, it’s no secret that regular dental checkups are essential to maintain overall good health. It’s equally just as important for pet parents to provide regular dental care for their pets.

According to studies made by the…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on February 7, 2013 at 4:00pm — 2 Comments

Lyric's pups are here--Pictures!! UPDATE!


Wow--what a long two days--Lyric's labor started at around 12 am on Wednesday Feb 6th--she kept me up all night (didn't want to leave her alone just in case) and then I stayed with her all thru the day on Wednesday--it continued into the wee hours of Thursday morning--and she paced and panted but no progress....finally at 2 am, I said"OK Lyric, let's get in the whelping box and get this started". I went in and sat…


Added by Ginny Nightingale on February 7, 2013 at 2:00pm — 78 Comments

I Caught the Fever Again! It's Called the Photography Bug!

It is happening again.  I am finding myself caught up in something I can’t control and that is never good for the people in my life.  Years ago, my friend and I used to take our kids to family Bingo up at the local Catholic Church.  We went one time and I was hooked.  In fact, after the first visit, I went out and got myself a Bingo bag, magnetic chips, a magnetic wand, a holder that said, “I love Bingo,” for my tickets, and every color Bingo dauber for the specials that I could find. The…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on February 7, 2013 at 10:00am — 33 Comments

New Household Rule

I am angling for a new rule in our household!  Jeff is still staunchly opposed to having Milt in the bed, but I attempting to shift the "No Dog in the Bed" rule to "No Dog in the Bed on WEEKNIGHTS."  This past Saturday night, we went out with friends to a party, and when we got home, both Jeff and I hopped into bed.  I encouraged Milt to jump up on our bed, and Jeff did not throw too much opposition my way, which was a good sign.  We snuggled in with Milt between us, and, let me tell you, my…


Added by Heidi & Milton on February 7, 2013 at 4:16am — 7 Comments

The funniest thing Oliver has ever done!!

Last night (or maybe it was Sunday?) Oliver did the cutest thing.  My dad, Ron Asker (also on DK) Was flying our RC helicopter with Oliver in the same room. So Ollie started baking, well more like the noise a tone def cat would make if it had something in it's throat.  He jumped up, and did all this crazy stuff.  We got it on video, and I will attempt to post it sometime soon.  It is a little dark, but still it's adorable!!  

Added by Hailey and Oliver on February 6, 2013 at 4:56pm — 2 Comments

Today is the day??

Lyric is now in labor--it is cold and flurries are falling but we are cozy in the 75 degree whelping room--could be any time now--she has stopped eating and her temp has dropped over a degree--a sure sign that whelping is imminent.

So exciting!! Will update you all later with photos--I am hoping we make it to the 7th of February for a bunch of reasons--first, 7 is a lucky number and Lyric is having 7 pups so on the 7th would be even luckier. Second, it is my parents' 70th wedding…


Added by Ginny Nightingale on February 6, 2013 at 8:18am — 29 Comments

Oscar, the Angel?

Its been far too long for a blog update on Oscar... over 2 months?! Wow, how time flies...

Where to begin? Our trials and tribulations with potty training are long behind us now, and since then we've come to discover just how EASY Oscar is. He's got the calmest, mellowest, easy-going attitude and temperament of any dog I've met. For almost 5 months old, that's saying a lot! Training is a snap as Oscar is so food motivated. He learns quickly and will do anything for a treat as long as…


Added by Debb, Lucy & Oscar on February 5, 2013 at 3:02pm — 10 Comments

Add It to the List

With a house built in 1929, there is always something that desperately needs some sort of renovation.  Jeff and my catch phrase has become, "Add it to the list," because we absolutely need to keep a running tab of all the home improvements that must be done to make this house, well, liveable.

Rather than weekly dinners out at fun restaurants, our life has become weekly, bi-weekly, and even tri-weekly trips to Lowe's and Home Depot to buy all those "fun" supplies for the home. …


Added by Heidi & Milton on February 5, 2013 at 4:52am — 11 Comments

Green Eyed Monster

As I read the posts of all the people that have recently added a second doodle to their families or those stories of a sick doodle seeking out the comfort of their doggie sibling, I can’t help but struggle to fight off the green eyed monster



Added by Amy, Cubbie & Ollie on February 4, 2013 at 1:40pm — 23 Comments

Puppy Photo of the Week

Milton was waiting and waiting to get his paws on one of those deer femurs that Pop brought him last week!  Saturday was the day when we finally let our goldendoodle have it.…


Added by Heidi & Milton on February 4, 2013 at 3:32am — 3 Comments


The biggest event on all fours was back!

Puppy Bowl returned for its ninth consecutive year with an all-star, all-adorable cast that was ready to mix it up on the grand gridiron of Animal Planet Stadium.

Puppy Bowl IX brought viewers a loveable lineup that was itching to play in a winning combination of terrier tackles, touchdowns, puppy penalties, fumbles and Fido first…


Added by Cathy C. Bennett on February 3, 2013 at 9:59pm — 2 Comments

Toot Cute: The Smeller's the Feller?

My 2 year old looks at me and says "Mommy do you smell that? I think Goldie pooped. We need to find it" so we start on our mission.  We use 'our sniffers' (as she calls it), sniffing throughout the house on the search for the hidden poops.  2 minutes in I hear a small tooting noise to which my daughter says "oh did you hear that. I think she's doing it again". Our search continues... shortly after there is another tooting sound but this time my sweet daughter says "Um mommy, do you know what…


Added by Star and Goldie on February 3, 2013 at 12:39pm — 27 Comments

puppy bowl!!!

  I think that instead of the super bowl, i'll watch the puppy bowl.  It's sooooo cute!  Little puppies running around with toys in their mouth, splashing and playing in their water dishes.  It's too cute!  Yeah the super bowl is tradition, but i like puppies better.  :)  

Added by Hailey and Oliver on February 3, 2013 at 9:32am — 5 Comments

The Things We Do For Our Dogs, Including Not Yelling During a Football Game!

The other night the dogs and I were in bed watching Criminal Minds and flipping channels to catch what we could of Modern Family.   I was also playing WWF and doing my normal computer stuff while watching television.  At some point, Vern got up and I had to stop what I was doing to rub him until he fell back asleep.  In the middle of all this, my husband walked into our bedroom and was ready to come to bed.  He took one look at Vern sprawled out in his spot with his head on…


Added by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on February 2, 2013 at 8:00pm — 24 Comments

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