Lucy is a typical 5 month old puppy. Her sole focus is on toys, treats, and play. Because she usually plays with big dogs, she plays at full tilt until she wears herself out.
Last week at our training session, there were 2 new dogs in the class. Lucy had been the only dog in the puppy class, so this was really fun. There was one very small dog with a very big voice and a puppy larger than Lucy but the same age. Unfortunately, this puppy had been attacked by two dogs and was very afraid. Now, I'm thinking that Lucy's enthusiasm is going to totally scare the heck out of this poor dog. I held her on the lead only to find out that Lucy was quietly approaching this dog. She would lie on the floor and bat her paw at the puppy. It was obvious that the other puppy wanted to play, but was too afraid. Lucy was very patient and eventually drew the puppy into a very gentle play session. I asked the trainer why my wild and crazy Lucy was acting this way. She said the Lucy sensed how afraid the other puppy was and adjusted her response. I was so proud of her. The other owner was thrilled that her puppy did come out of her shell.
I am constantly surprised at the intelligence of this dog. Just when I think I know it all, she surprises me once again.
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