Last Tuesday the golf course dog "Mary" came by twice to play with Ella and she had so much fun! When Mary left Ella looked so forelorn. That evening I emailed the breeder and asked if there was any chance they would let go of Henry,whom they had kept from the litter. They have decided to scale down their operation and were discussing if they could possibly let go of Henry! Soooooooo, I am meeting them in Northern ILL next Sunday and transfer Henry!! Down side is that he is not housebroken, but at four months and with Ella's help, I think he will catch on quickly/ ARe we crazy?? At four months Ella is about 37 pounds, so we expect 80 pound dogs. Our Sadie (great pyr) was 90 lbs in her prime. It's not like we are used to little dogs. It's just two at once running through the house. Wish me luck!
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