Capp got himself on
Santa's Naughty List today. I noticed the auto-close gate slightly ajar, and began to call the doodles. They are not allowed free reign of the house unless I am supervising. Joe came bouncing to me immediately when I called, but Capp took three calls before he came out of the dining room and into the foyer. Capp has this "Who Me" look that he uses when he has been naughty. He also puts himself into his "sit" position and pretends to look perfect.
Today all the sitting pretty and
who me looks did not fool me. The doodle had something all over his face! I couldn't figure out what it was! It was powdery and wet and stuck to his fur and had a funny odor!
I asked Allie to take him into the bathroom to wash his face while I checked out the damage.
Capp had proceeded to put his big doodle nose into a gift bag, pull out a gift, and unwrap it. Then he chewed it up. It was a gift for my father-in-law who loves to cook. It was hush puppy mix I bought for him to use when we cook seafood. Capp had chewed open the container and stuffed his big nose and snout into the container and was gobbling it up!
What a naughty doodle! Notice the picture of him looking too dignified (after Allie attempted to wash his face) to have been caught in a naughty act. Also look at the container!

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