Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


My other sock is GONE! And I mean gone FOREVER!!
My family doesn’t believe me (this always happens), but I know what I saw. You be the judge, here’s my story and I’m sticking to it:

Harley has grown up  creating “odd” toys to amuse himself with. He has always loved to “snatch” the warm dryer sheets out of the dryer as I fold clothes and take them to his area and tear them to shreds. Leo on the other hand takes his and usually eats half of it.

Should Harley feel you’ve not spent enough “quality” time with him, he will go after your sock or slipper, take it to his area and lay with it until you need it, hence, he gets his attention. He won’t hoard it, he just holds onto it, forcing you to come to him. Of course now when we see him with something, we know what this means so we spend some “Harley-Darly” time with him and all is once again “right with the world.”

Last night, as I sat in the recliner taking a 15 minute “me” moment, Leo took my sock out of my slipper. I “watched” him “watch” me as he slithered backwards to his bed with my sock in his mouth. At first I thought nothing of it, but after a few minutes, I became intrigued because Leo’s never done anything like this before so I decided to observe the activity and that’s when I saw Leo finishing what seemed to be one huge last swallow. It was like a scene out of the movie Anaconda – and my sock was Jon Voight! The item I “believed” to be my sock didn’t stand a chance. I was in shock. I dove to his bed, tried to pry his mouth open and then had this reality check – I was not “Steve Irwin – Crocodile Hunter”, I was not sticking my hand down Leo’s throat – not happening! For about two minutes I sat with him, and watched to see what would happen next, but he just kept watching me back….

I tried to convince my family, but to no avail, they just humored me and continued about their evening routines – HUMANS! I searched some more and came up with nothing, I spent the rest of the night on “Leo patrol”, but he seemed fine.

On our regular walk this morning I was prepared to see my sock again – ugh! But no such luck (if that’s what you want to call it). Everything he needed to do, he did – with no problems. So, I called the vet, explained our story and she reassured me this was not life threatening. As long as he’s not acting lethargic, refusing to eat, or drink then there’s probably no obstruction to his intestines. And if that’s the case, we just wait for it to “travel” on its own. Huh!

Every Doodle day is another Doodle adventure – I’ll keep you posted…


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Comment by Maryann,Roo and Tigger on January 30, 2012 at 6:44pm

Tigger does the same thing with laundry and dryer clothes.  Just today he stole a sock, caught my eye and trotted gaily outside with it, certain I would follow as usual.  I became distracted and before long in came Tigger, the sock dangling from his mouth, both Tigger and the sock looking sad.  He just stood in front of me and looked at me as if to say "What the ..."  This is THE GAME bonehead, I steal, you chase.  I felt so bad and laughed so hard at him at the same time.  Tigger has eaten his share of non edibles, including several socks.  So far, so good, everything has made the journey without a problem.

Comment by Rhonda, Marabelle & Jeriki on January 28, 2012 at 3:06pm

Jeriki has pooped out like 4 socks in the last couple weeks.  We had to gate the whole house so that we can watch him at all times. The worst is when he tried to re eat the sock that he just gave back if you get my drift YUCK.



Comment by Lisa, Daisy & Dexter on January 28, 2012 at 1:53am

Egad. Hope it turns up soon.

Daisy use to steal socks, I have video evidence. It use to help DH with his basketball skills....he was actually "earning points" by attempting to "make the shot" and if he didn't he would actually pick up the sock from the floor to keep her from getting it. But alas, those days are over now that she is no longer interested in the game.

Comment by Christine & Shelby on January 27, 2012 at 7:09pm

Oh no.... hope everything comes out ok.....   *Sorry - couldn't resist.  

Seriously though.... I hope it passes without any problem!

Comment by Bonnie and Kona on January 27, 2012 at 5:34pm

Any sign of the sock? Update when you can. Think of you and Leo. 

Comment by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() on January 26, 2012 at 6:05pm
Oh yeah, that would be the post about my Bella and the sock that got stuck. We have trained her to leave them alone finally. Don't worry Cathy, they usually come out. Bella poops them out in matching pairs sometimes. Takes about 36-48 hours.
Comment by F, Calla & Luca on January 26, 2012 at 5:23pm

Oh dear. Good luck with that sock.

Comment by Traci -Bexter & Maggie on January 26, 2012 at 4:11pm

Bexter has done this several times and he either poops it or pukes it.  Not fun.  My family has learned to keep their stuff picked up better now!

Comment by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla on January 26, 2012 at 11:47am

Myla ate a rope and it was gone for days, maybe 4 days later she threw it up on the floor?!??

I hope nothing gets obstructed and you find your sock (not that you want it back after that)

Comment by Bonnie and Kona on January 26, 2012 at 10:56am

You may not see the sock for a few days. It could come up or go through. Hoping and praying that it does! Leo! What has gotten into you? I love the end: Every doodle day is another doodle adventure!


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