Well we brought the new baby boy home today and it has been very interesting to say the least. First of all let me just say that Dustin is cute as a button and fat as a manatee! He has got to be the biggest puppy ever! When we got home we took him straight to his designated potty spot while my DH went to get our baby girl. We then went to a neutral spot and let them meet. Fenway was super duper excited so we kept her on a leash and did not let her go free. We let them sniff each other, but Fenway was way too excited so we decided to bring them back up to our condo to see how they would do up there. Fenway calmed down and they were able to greet each other and sniff a little bit. Well Fenway is very "pawsy" when she plays and so she felt that Dustin wanted to be pawed. He didn't and even though he's a big boy, Fenway is still much bigger than him so we really have had to watch her very closely all night and will have to continue to watch her until he gets a bit bigger. She is not very gentle at all with him and this is probably our fault because she's only ever had bigger dogs to play with. She had calmed down a lot by the end of the evening and was playing with him rather well, but we'll just have to see. She's not really too sure what to think about him yet, but we'll give her a few days and see how she feels. I hope they'll be best buds! Here's a picture of Dustin and there are more on my page for anyone interested.
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