Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This weekend Dan, Remington and I went to the Rhoton side of the family to celebrate Christmas! We headed to Columbus Thursday evening and arrived about 8:30 or 9:00. Dan's grandparents were already there with his parents so we all sat around and chatted while our Remington Bear got acquainted with the house and these new people. He loved Dan's grandpa, probably because he would rub his favorite spot under his chin. Dan's grandma who doesn't care much for dogs loved him too. Before we went to bed Remington went to visit his cousin Buster (Dan's brother's dog, he's a black lab) and I could not believe my eyes! Remington towered over Buster in size! It was hard for me to even believe that Buster was the same dog! Now don't get me wrong... Buster beats Remington in weight topping off at about 120lbs compared to Remington's 65 lbs, but those long legs of Remington's out did Buster's by a mile! Buster is about 8 years old so he is usually annoyed with Remington's puppy like behavior, but this time he seemed just as excited to see Remington as Remington was to see him!

Friday morning we were all up early and had breakfast at like 6ish! I was a bit worried about how Remington would react around presents and a tree, since we don't leave our presents laying around, but he did wonderful and left everything alone as asked! He even left all the kids toys lay as they played with them. We were so proud of him! Later that evening it was off for a walk by the frozen lake. We always enjoy going for walks along there because everyone is very dog oriented and will drop everything they are doing just to come talk to you about your dog. So as we were walking Remington we got stopped by probably 5 different people telling us how beautiful Remi was and asking what kind of dog he was. Most of them remembered him from the summer and were telling us that they just couldn't believe how much he had grown! I always tend to walk with my head a little bit higher after these outings, always feeling as if I have the best doodle in the world :)

Saturday the rest of the Rhoton clan made it to Columbus. Remington had to be put in our bedroom downstairs most of the day since Dan's Uncle Jerry is terrified of dogs. This was hard for us since we are use to having our puppy by our side always, but it was something that we had to be respectful of. I actually think that Remington enjoyed his alone time since he doesn't get much sleep with 2 little kids running around all the time while he's there! We did not crate him like we usually do, but instead let him roam free in our bedroom. We had no problems and he seemed to love having his own bed to spread out and sleep in! All the Rhoton's who had not seen Remington for a while were amazed at his growth and kept saying he was a monster of a dog! We really do take for granted just how big he's become because to us he'll always be a puppy probably.

Sunday was more of the same. We celebrated Elliott's 4th b-day that day so lots of the family stuck around for that. Remington was once again put in our bedroom while the rest of the family celebrated! It was a great time. We ended up leaving Columbus around 3:00 and arrived home at 6:00... Remington slept the entire car ride! Those kids sure do keep him on his paws :)

Now in a few days Remington will be off to my families Christmas in Portland. We will probably be there for a weeks time. Dan isn't coming along since he has to work weird shifts for the department. I can't imagine how much Remington is going to miss his Dad since he loves being with him so much! But I sure will enjoy having him by my side for the holidays :)

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Comment by Adrianne Matzkin on December 22, 2009 at 6:55pm
We take them for granted and isn't it just wonderful that everyone else thinks they are wonderful too? I am so glad everyone had a wonderful time!!
Comment by Debbie and Thomas on December 21, 2009 at 6:12pm
What a good boy Remington Bear is! Have a great time in Portland!
Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on December 21, 2009 at 10:54am
Sounds like a great visit and Remington was a perfect Doodle!


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