[jumping up and down]
We picked a pup and now have less than two weeks until we pick him up at Old Mill Doodles!

Whoa! Holy cow! There's our boy! Atticus Doodlie du Mont
I'm calling Tidewater k9 trainer on Monday. I bought two sizes of Kongs, a small gentle leader, an Orka tuggie chewie thing, a squeaky Kong Wubba, and "the Art of training a puppy" by the Monks of New Skete. I need to get so much more that my brain hurts. Crate, food and water bowls, a pooper scooper, lead, poop bags, decide on a food, call the vet to set up the initial appt, etc...
I'm so glad that new puppy checklists are all over the place! I feel like I just had a baby with two weeks notice! My brain is so excited that it is overwhelmed.
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