Clifford has been a little "off" since last weekend. I took him to the vet on Tuesday because he seemed to be dripping occasionally, an uncommon occurrence for boy dogs unless they have stones (which he is pretty young to have). Vet ran a catheter in and didn't find any stones and his urinalysis came back fine so she said to watch him and give him some meds if it continued. Of course it seemed to stop immediately after I brought him home but then he developed a runny nose so we thought maybe he just had a cold. This was followed by runs of another sort and watching him continually trying to go potty was very sad. We just got back from a ride in the car, during which he acted normal, until he went into the back yard and tossed his cookies. He never gets car sick so I don't know how it could be from the car ride. We'll watch him when he goes out and give him a bland dinner to settle his tummy and hopefully he'll be back to good health soon. He won't like missing out on his dessert - he's going to think I put him on a diet like Murphy!
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