Halas and I did our first Rally Obedience trial this weekend. We got a 94 on Saturday, and a 93 on Sunday. So that's 2 qualifying scores. One more and we get a title! It was pretty fun. The people in our obedience club are really supportive, so that just makes it more fun, with most of the people from our rally class participating in the trial. We redid one exercise in each trial, so that cost us 3 points each time. And then we just had a couple of minor errors that knocked off a few more points. We even got 2nd place ribbons in each trial, but that was out of 3 dogs the first day and 5 dogs the 2nd day. We're in the 1A class, so there just weren't that many dogs. The 1B class was much larger, but I think that's for people/dogs that already have some kind of obedience title. We had a good time, so I think it's something we'll continue doing. We're going to switch from rally back to regular obedience for a few months now, but we'll go back to rally when it's closer to the spring trials. We're not going to do any regular obedience trials, but I can tell there are some obedience things we need to work on, so that's the reason for the temporary switch. Rally obedience is very laid back, and you can talk to your dog as much as you want. Traditional obedience doesn't allow that, so it just doesn't seem quite as fun. And spending time together having fun is our main goal here. Halas seemed to really enjoy himself, and he was a very sleepy puppy Saturday night and last night, after spending several hours each day at the trials.
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