Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

There is group discussion that Mom is really into.  Caesar's Way or something.  What about Roo's Way.  I am excellent at training my people.  I go for long periods being absolutely wonderful, no counter surfing, no exploring various curious things in the home.  Soon Mom and Dad aren't as watchful.  Mom put out a bowl of lovely crunchy dried stuff on a low table.  I had not bothered it since it was put out.  But today - today it was just calling my name.  It is supposed to be looked at, its pretty - yes it is pretty -  pretty fun to steal and crunch.  Even goody two shoes Tigger joined in after I stole some of it.  There was an unexpected side effect though, Tigger and I got the sneezes - we sneezed and sneezed and sneezed some more. Those really hard whole body sneezes.  Mom left it down.  I may not bother it again.  She washed all the sttuffed toys and we need to get them all good and smelly again anyway and that takes a lot of time.

Also we are both tired from our three friends Tsar, Blue and Ice visiting for the weekend. They live in San Diego with Brother. We barely got any sleep.  We played chase and keep away and just chatted.  We haven't seen them since Christmas so we had a lot to catch up on.

We all got to go over to Sister's yard and run around.  We all marked everywhere, Sister was so happy. She said it would help keep the skunks away.  What are skunks?  Are they like squirrels?

I have to go find my blue Zogoflex bone.  Mom needs to get some more, its my last bone and I need it when the dog over the back fence barks.  I have to hold it tight in my mouth to keep from barking back.  I also shake my head no.  Mom taught me this.  It is what she does when that dog barks.  She says No, no, no and shakes her head.  I shake mine to let her no that I understand even though she is silly.  The fence is wood and that other dog can't see her.  It doesn't seem harmful to her though, she laughs when I do it and that is fun. I think that might be positive reenforcement, Roo's way.

Tigger beat me to the best spot in the bed again  - he's a sneaky one.  Good night.




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Comment by Donna K & Quincy on May 11, 2011 at 5:56pm
Roo, sorry you and Tigger got the sneezies,  maybe if it smells good you should stay away from it.
Comment by Coco Chanel and Cheryl on May 11, 2011 at 2:51am
I love your report Roo! My mom sometimes forgets and leaves paper for me to shred up!! That is so fun! My mom doesn't leave out potpourri for me to eat!! I also like to pull my mom on walks to chase birds and squirrels. I don't know why she can't run faster so I can get them. She got me back by putting a gentle leader on me to help me listen and I HATE it!! I wish she would take it off so I can go back to being a wild girl on walks!!
Comment by Clifford, Cloud, Jake..and Kim on May 11, 2011 at 2:33am
Hey Roo, I think I got in trouble for trying to train my mom and dad.  I heard the trainer say I was being the boss and they needed to change my mind about that - huh, I don't think so.  It is good to sneak the clean toys outside just after it rains - you can pick up so many good smells then!  (Just don't forget where you dropped them outside and then do your "business" on them - my foster sister Lola did this and now we don't have that toy anymore.)  You've given me some good ideas from your blog, I think I'm going to go look for something to get into!  Thanks, your friend Clifford.
Comment by Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie on May 10, 2011 at 7:26pm
Roo, So good to hear from you.  You have been doing a lot of entertaining lately.  Wow, no wonder you had to check out the crunchy stuff, just to keep up with what should be offered to company.
Comment by Maryann,Roo and Tigger on May 10, 2011 at 4:49pm

I am so glad to have friends on here.  Hey Rooney neat name.  Zogoflex bones are colorful and I can chew all I want on it and it doen't disappear.  Also I can get it from the pool, when Mom throws it in because it pops right to the top.  Even though Tigger is a goody two shoes, I never growl at him.  He is my little brother and so I even let him steal my Zogoflex right from my mouth, without growling.  Usually he just drops it anyway and I get it back.  I never growl at Tigger in bed either, because then we both get sent to the floor.  I just squeeze right in beside him.  Then Dad is the one who growls sometimes although I am not sure it is at us.  Mom never sends him to the floor, so it is hard to say what is going on.



Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on May 10, 2011 at 1:33pm
Roo, We are sorry you got into that stupid bowl of potpourri. Our mom has some of that stuff too. We don't like our stuffed toys smelling all nice and sweet either. You know what to do! That is cool how you taught your mom to shake her head. Love, Fudge and Vern
Comment by Jane, Rooney & Stuart on May 10, 2011 at 1:27pm
Roo - this is Rooney here - might I ask what a Zogoflex bone is?  I don't think my mom knows what it is either.  Do you think I'd like one?  Do you belong to the Bad Dood group?  I think eating the crunchy stuff might quality you for entry.  I barely got in by stealing some bites of raw hamburger off the counter. 
Comment by Susan and Sasha on May 10, 2011 at 11:40am

LOL...Way to go Roo!!

We just have to keep our parents on their do it "when they least expect it" the way to go my friend!!

Did you say that you were almost out of bones??!!

Oh No!!  That is Not A Good Thing!!

Hope your Mom realizes this and gets you some...

I mean...after are such an amazing Doodle you know...shaking your head to get her to shake her's that way!!

What a neat trick that is!!

I'll have to try that one with my Mom!!

So sorry that Tigger beat you to the best spot in bed!

I like Murph's thought about "gently" biting his get him to move,,,or a Great Big Push!!

Did I say that??  Lol...

It was great to hear from you...and that all is well...

Hope you have a fun summer!

Your friend Sasha...


Comment by BG and Gavin on May 10, 2011 at 9:58am
Thanks for another informative report Roo!  Always look forward to reading them.  Nice work on teaching the human to shake her head by you shaking yours! ;)
Comment by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla on May 10, 2011 at 9:10am
Roo you are an awesome story teller!! I hope you learned your lesson about eating the pretties!! Sounds like you had a good time, do what Myla does and growl until Tigger moves out of the spot you want!!


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