Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi Doods! Yesterday I turned 10 months old.... mom says she can hardly believe it! I have been at home with her for 8 months now. It has been a while since I blogged and lots has happened, so I thought I would blog and update y'all (you know I live in Texas - right?) on what I have been up to!

A couple of months ago - my mom took me to the dog park! Well, now she takes me every Saturday morning - for 3 hours! My friends Malu, Knox, Captain, Guinness (Doodles) and Macy (yellow lab) usually meet me there. I love the dog park... and my mom too! Early on (actually my first day at the dog park) I learned that I can swim.... and now, thanks to Macy, I love to fetch sticks from the water. Macy loves to fetch sticks and I love Macy - so I would follow her out to get the stick and then come back. Well finally - I realized that if I brought a stick back, my mom would throw it in the water so I could go get it. This is so much fun... do any of you like to fetch in the water?

Here are some fun photos that Knox's mom (Doris) took at the dog park a couple of weekends ago:

Above: Me playing keep away.... it's my stick..... just try and catch me!

Above: Malu, Me and Knox all chewing on the stick.... are we good doodles, we share!

Above: Me teaching Malu to fetch from the water.... this time a tennis ball, now I prefer sticks!

Above: Me posing for a glamour shot after taking a dip in the pond!

My mom works at a University and for the beginning of the school year, she made lots and lots of baked goodies for her staff. She baked and baked and baked. Friends even came over to help and play with me. I got to participate a little bit as the cookie inspector - see photo. Don't worry - mom didn't let me eat it, but I did get a treat for being such a good girl and leaving it!

Above: Shelby Doodle as cookie inspector! While I didn't get to eat it, it sure smelled good!

Above: Lots of cookie and a friend who helped bake in the background!

I got a new collar. This may not seem very exciting, but mom hopes it will help people realize I am a girl. It is hot pink and I love it! I am still getting house freedom in the afternoon while mom is at work and she says I am doing really good. I did however, have a lapse of judgment about a month ago and out of blue chewed on the corner of the bed in the wee hours of the morning. Mom doesn't understand why - I had a Nylabone and a rawhide right there... inches from where I chewed. She says I have been sleeping in the bedroom for 4 months at that point.... and I never chewed anything in there before. But later - she mentioned reading something on DoodleKisses about puppies going through a second chewing phase.... between 6 and 8 months.... she things that might have something to do with it. I could tell mom wasn't happy, but she has forgiven me. I have been on my best behavior ever since.

I hope you doodles are having a great day! Oh yeah.... I forgot to tell you, my mom got me an antler... and I like it! I hear many of you LOVE your antlers.... right now, I just chew on it every once in a while. I think I like bully sticks better. Only time will tell!

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Comment by shelly on September 11, 2010 at 6:43pm
WOW! Your mom baked all THAT?! You are one lucky doodle!
Comment by Paul & Michele on September 2, 2010 at 8:46am
Happy 10 month birthday Shelby!! Glad you got a chance to write and let us know what you have been up too. My mom likes reading your blogs. I got a hot pink collar too with white polka dots on it so everyone knows I'm a girl too..Can't wait to read your next adventure. Have a Great holiday weekend!!
Comment by Donna K & Quincy on September 1, 2010 at 7:49pm
Shelby what a good doodle you are, all those cookies and you didn't eat one. I just sent Quincy to bed because he tried to eat the owner's manual for my camera and that's not nearly as tasty as cookies. You are so lucky to get to play with your friends every saturday. Quincy loves to chew so I am going to get him some antlers and hopefully he will like them and stop stealing my books. You are a beautiful doodle girl and hot pink is a great color for youl
Comment by Leigh & Allie on September 1, 2010 at 6:56pm
Lady Peri is soooooo right. When I first got a deer antler, I just kind of looked at it and chewed it a bit. But, oh girl, you get to the middle part.......whoooo nelly. You hit the pay dirt. Sometimes you need to try a new one. Sometimes the middle part is too far in the middle. Try another one or keep at this one. You can trust me on this one and I will be saying "I told you so".
Comment by Norma VanBunen on September 1, 2010 at 2:56pm
Zach was also 10 months on Aug. 30th, and goes to the doggie park several times a week. He loves it, and is really beginning to learn to interact with other dogs. Shelby is very cute!
Comment by Nina, Phil, Harlow & Lacey on September 1, 2010 at 12:59pm
Shelby, what a great update. I wish my park had a pond. Happy 10 month birthday!
Comment by Doris, Knox & Flash on September 1, 2010 at 9:15am
One more thing...Shelby really should be on the Doodle calendar! She's the cutest doodle I know and it would be so fun to see her as a calendar "celebrity!" Really hope you submit some pics!
Comment by Doris, Knox & Flash on September 1, 2010 at 9:12am
Just read this and loved it! Love that darling Shelby!!! So glad you found a use for the pics, ha! See you Saturday!
Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on September 1, 2010 at 8:54am
Wow, Shelby, you sure are living the good life! Happy 10 month birthday!
Comment by Frannie & Callie on September 1, 2010 at 7:25am
Shelby - that was a great update and you are a ridiculously cute dood! Happy 10 months! (pssst - Callie here to tell you to stick with the antler...Lady Peri is right. The yum yum stuff is in the middle. Bully sticks give me a tummyache, but I'd still eat them if Mom would buy them for me. She said something about gas...I don't know what that has to do with her car though!)

Christine - I'm completely impressed with the cookie volume!


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