Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
2 blogs in as many days... its been an exciting last 24 hrs., to say the least. Yesterday after a long walk with Lucy I came in the door and took off my shoes and socks. I placed the shoes on the nook table and stuffed a sock into each shoe, thinking I'd take care of them later. I'm usually very good about putting things away and out of sight/reach of the Luce-Monster. But DH wasn't coming home for dinner (late sales meeting) and I was on my own and wanted to BBQ some chicken on the grill, so I got busy right away (no excuse, I know). In my focus to get dinner prepared I didn't think twice about Lucy. BIG mistake. Much later, after both our dinners (mine and Lucy's) I went to put the shoes away, and noticed one sock was missing from one shoe. I made a mental note to check the upstairs landing for the sock, since that's where Lucy takes her treasures. After DH got home I remembered the sock and went to check the landing. NO SOCK. I freaked, then checked every single spot that sock might have gotten off to. Still, NO SOCK. I called the after hours ER pet clinic in town and they said to bring Lucy right in, that they could induce vomiting and possibly get the sock up before it became a real problem. So off we all went. After inducing vomiting, the sock didn't appear, so they took an X-ray. It showed what appeared to be fabric type material in her stomach, so they induced vomiting again. Still, NO SOCK. They sent us home, minus Lucy (for observation and further X-rays a few hours later) thinking they'd probably do an endoscopy retrieval of the sock, but the main surgeon on call looked the earlier X-rays over and didn't think the mass was a sock. So everything was put on hold. By 3AM another X-ray showed the mass in her stomach had diminished. Her intestines all looked normal, with no visible distention. So, no endoscopy. So where is the sock??? Its a big mystery to us, as it still hasn't surfaced. Lucy seems active and normal and is eating frequent small meals. She's been eliminating normally too. We're to keep an eye on any changes in her eating/eliminating habits, but for now, it seems like a big non-issue. Oh, BTW, our little jaunt to the pet ER cost us over $800. Thank god we have pet insurance!
UPDATE: Mystery SOLVED... When DH came home this evening he said it would be the greatest thing if we could find that sock. I told him I'd gotten up at 3AM to look in the formal living room, a place I'd never think of taking a sock. Then I thought (aloud), that the only place I hadn't looked was in the kitchen garbage. He high tailed it out to the garage where the bag of garbage waited to be taken to the can, and after a few seconds I heard, "DEBBIE!!"
"Did you find the sock!?", I yelled, as I ran to the garage. I found him pointing to a white mass through the garbage bag plastic and then he tore through it to reveal, to my disbelief, the missing SOCK! Whew, what a RELIEF! I told Lucy over and over what a good dog she was, and how she had been an angel all along, and how stupid was mom to throw the sock out with a handful of other garbage. Now we can breath easy, and enjoy the next few days, rather than worrying each morning if this would be the day we'd be taking Lucy in for obstruction surgery. So, what's the lesson to be learned here? If something goes missing, check the garbage FIRST.
I knew you would find that sock, in the garbage is not where I thought you would.
For some reason Daisy is not a scavenger of any sort, she barely is interested in food. Thanks goodness because DH is forever missing the hamper or "saving" the socks until the next time he puts on shoes and socks for running. Ewww!
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