Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

No, this is not like the crazy time I thought I had a mouse. This is for real. It seems creatures love to live under my deck. Last summer I had a skunk,, twice. Once in the front and once in the back. I thought I had effectively dealt with it. Well it looks like there is something new calling my back deck a home. It is not likely a skunk because it would have sprayed by now... just like the other two last summer. My friend saw it slip under the deck the other day. She said it looked brown and was too big to be a squirrel and it was daytime so not likely a racoon. I'm thinking it's a cat, although I suppose it could also be Laurie's Stewpid come back from the dead.

The doodles are loosing their minds. They know when he/she's here and whine and wimper to go out. When I let them out they chase it around from the top of the deck, trying to squeeze their big noses between the cracks. Sophie is pacing, and jumps up on the couch to try and see out the window.

I figure if I wait for it to go away it might stay for a long time tormenting the doodles, or worse, it could die under there, which would be awful all around. The animal trappers who I called about the skunk quoted me $1400! (they would have put in fencing underground around the deck). This is not an option for me but I'm starting to think I need to start saving my pennies. I'm home tomorrow (having my new doggie shower installed!) so I will deal with this tomorrow if possible. I'll probably do what I did for the skunk - pull up a couple deck boards and pour vinegar and put out a bright spot light, anything to make it less hospitable. I just hope it's a cat (and no kittens please!), as it might be easier to lure out of there...

Stay tuned...

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Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on April 16, 2013 at 1:58pm

Pat's suggestion of the Havahart trap is a good one. I hope you can get rid of whatever it is, and the vermin that might be traveling with it. You do not need whatever it is under your deck or in your yard, around the doodles! 

I do think screening around the area under the deck is a good idea for the future! 

Comment by BettyAnn, Holmes & Lucy on April 15, 2013 at 8:25pm

I have no advice for you! But good luck and I can't wait to hear what it turns out to be....

Comment by Sheila & Finnley on April 15, 2013 at 7:45pm

I have used moth balls to get rid of skunks. Just don't let your animals get around them.

Could also be a fisher, or weasel. Have you heard any strange high pitched squeal's or sounds ?

Good luck !

Comment by Lynda Kamrath on April 15, 2013 at 7:39pm

Woodchucks, opossums, squirrels, skunks, cats, and perhaps even a bobcat or fox.  All kinds of possibilities.  Since it is the correct time of year, maybe even a mother with her nest.  We had skunks that had their litter under our deck but moved out when the babies were raised.  There was a red fox who made her home in the rocks a little further down the hill.  I don't mind sharing with wild (feral) animals but they do get the dogs upset.  Installing lattice under your deck should help, but diggers can still find their way around the lattice.

Comment by Joanna, Zoe & Bender on April 15, 2013 at 4:43pm

I used ammonia... lots of sponges soaked with ammonia and threw it under my deck to get rid of skunks!  I think they are gone but who knows maybe they are back and just doesn't come out anymore.  I also got a bunch of solar lights and have them around my yard.  I really should get a bright light and have it under the deck for a while too.  My yard is a wildlife haven...skunks, squirrels, raccoons, possums... one time there was a coyote hanging out in the middle of my yard (pre-doodle days). 

Comment by Jane, Guinness and Murphy on April 15, 2013 at 4:35pm

Oh Sherri, I have no clue about how you can get rid of the creature under the deck, and I'm SO disappointed that you're having all these issues with the "Doodle shower".  I was so excited for you...why is nothing ever easy. 

Comment by Deanna & Desi & Cori on April 15, 2013 at 1:31pm
I feel your pain! We've had our share of critters calling our yard home. At our old house, we built a small "cat house" for our cat - who preferred to be outdoors - to find shelter from rain or cold. Hercules never really liked the house, but a disabled raccoon loved it. Here at the new house, we've had skunks helping themselves to the grubs that apparently live in/under our yard. And just two days ago, we learned that a family go gophers has taken up residence. The family is down one young member, thanks to "Killer" ( formerly known as Sedona).
Comment by Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty on April 15, 2013 at 12:57pm

Jarka, doodle shower is turning into a gong show. What was supposed to be a one day project has turned into at least 3 and double the amount of money I had expected. :( I haven't had any time to focus on the critter under the deck.

Comment by Jarka, Monty & Auggie on April 15, 2013 at 11:19am

Yikes! What can it be? Hope you can get rid of it soon.

I'm certainly looking forward to your doodle shower update.

Comment by Pat and Traveler on April 15, 2013 at 8:52am

My only experience with invasive animals has to do with squirrels, which wouldn't be much help to you.  I did use a Havahart trap and caught three in the attic.  Our law, at least at the time, was to release at least 25 miles out of town, which was a pain!  Squirrels have cost me well over $1400, by the way!  They nested in my car engine compartment and ate the wiring.  Chewed the phone line and put my phone out of service for a week.  Got into the attic several times and redecorated up there. 

They do drop into the attic occasionally now, but Trav and I successfully scare them away with noise.  They make noise too--you'd think squirrels would have quiet little feet, but they sound like huge animals when they run around above your head!  Trav will do a crazed barking and leaping routine when I point at the ceiling and say 'squirrel.'. This is a great party trick if you decide it's time for the guests to leave.  :)


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