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As I am getting ready to head off to my family Thanks-Giving dinner at my cousins place, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the things that make me most grateful in life. Of course there are the usual things like my health, my family and friends, my job and all the nice things it affords me, and most definitely the love and joy that has come to me over this past year as I embarked into the world of doodledom. However, I have to say that true happiness for me is found in little things and small everyday pleasures.


Life can be so overwhelming, stressful, tiring and just plain hard sometimes. But no matter what is happening in our lives, rich or poor, healthy or ill, surrounded by loved ones or alone with our doodles, we are never short of the small joys that comfort us every day... things like, a warm cozy bed with fresh clean sheets,a cup of hot cocoa on a chilly evening, a breezy sunday afternoon stroll followed by a nap on the sofa, a sunny and unusually warm long week-end, a gentle doodle kiss, or the deliciousness of your favourite treat.


For a long time now I have heard sayings like "life is what you make it" or "happiness is inside all of us, you just have to choose it", and to all of this I used to say, bah humbug! I will be happy when I get a better job, when I have more money, when I find the right guy, when I get my own house, when I can afford to travel, when I have more friends, when I can buy a better wardrobe, when I lose 20lbs... when, when, when, if, if if ... and on and on. Doesn't that sound exhausting? At some point along the way that kind of thinking became really tiring. I was tired of waiting for happiness, of always wanting something I didn't have, of never being satisfied. It just had to stop! and so it did. Sure, it's exciting to get a new car, or to meet a handsome new guy, or to buy some new shoes, but those joys don't last. A few weeks from now it could be 'gas prices are so expensive, that guy turned out to be a jerk, my closet is too cluttered..." blah blah blah.


Have you ever noticed that the little things that bring you comfort, joy, peace, a sense of security, or that simply put a smile on your face, do so every time? The joy of sliding into the warm cozy bed at night never fades, nor does the Sunday afternoon nap, a beautiful sunny day, or your favourite glass of wine, and every time your doodle licks your face it never ceases to put a smile on your face. These are things that happiness is really made of, and they are all around us every single day.


This year as I celebrated my birthday a few days ago, a friend asked me what my birthday goals are for the next year. At the time I didn't really have an answer, but now I've found one: Be Happy! Sure it's good to have concrete goals, and I certainly have my share, I write them down in a little journal on a regular basis. But does that mean that I should wait until those goals are accomplished to be happy? of Course not! Happiness is in the here and now!


As I head out to my cousin's place for Thanks-Giving dinner I can't help but be thankful for the warm bowl of roasted garlic mashed potatoes sitting on my counter waiting to be devoured, and for, the power of the internet, and my little laptop, because mashed potatoes will never be the same again.




Happy Thanks-Giving to all my Canadian friends. What are you thankful for this week-end?

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Comment by BG and Gavin on October 10, 2011 at 7:48pm

Hey Sherri - Happy Thanksgiving to you too!  The greatest gift I gave to myself many, many years ago was to say "yes" to more things.  Throw caution to the wind and say yes to a date with the guy I wasn't really sure was my style.  Say yes to invitations to parties that I figured would be boring.  Say yes to challenges that I thought would be too time consuming or beyond my skills.  I had some bad dates, went to some boring parties and fell on my face a couple of times.  But more often than not I had good dates and fun times and accomplished things I thought were beyond my scope.  And good things kept begetting more good things.  And the more I said yes, the more people I met, places I went and things I experienced.  So Sherri, I am glad that you are saying "yes" to happiness! Thanks for the great blog.

Comment by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() on October 10, 2011 at 7:13pm
You are wise beyond your 33 years!  I know many in their 50's and 60's or even older who don't "get it" and know it is all a matter of choosing to be happy and to notice those little things. Ofcourse, we all have doodles, so we know the true sense of happiness more than most!!!
Comment by Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty on October 10, 2011 at 4:19pm

Wow, I'm glad everyone liked the blog. I don't really know where it came from. I had just sat down to write a quick "Happy Thanksgiving" and this just sort of tumbled out.

Hazel, I'm pretty sure I got the term 'doodledom' from someone else, so go ahead, knock yourself out!


Also, I have just realized I have been spelling Thanksgiving wrong. :-\  my bad.

Comment by Hazel & Chester Wayte on October 10, 2011 at 4:07pm

That was a great blog.. Happy Thanksgiving. I love the phrase 'doodledom' I might steal it!


Comment by Allyson, Peri & Taquito on October 10, 2011 at 12:39pm
I love your blog - thanks for posting!  I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  And I agree that it is so important to enjoy the little things. My favorite thing is slipping into the bed after a long day, turning on the sound machine, reading a chapter or two of a good book and then cuddling with my dogs and DH.  Doesn't take much, does it? 
Comment by Ricki and Tara (doodle) on October 10, 2011 at 11:22am
Great blog Sherri! I hope you had a happy Thanks-Giving and your roasted garlic mashed potatoes were all you hoped they would be!! :)
Comment by Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle on October 10, 2011 at 11:01am

A belated Happy Thanksgiving, Sherri, and thanks from JD and me for reminding us of how much we have to be thankful for.

Comment by Donna K & Quincy on October 10, 2011 at 8:31am
Happy Thanksgiving Sherri, you are so right, how many of us spend our time waiting for the things we think we need to make us happy instead of cherishing the wonderful things we have now.
Comment by Rose on October 10, 2011 at 5:28am
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Sherri!
Comment by Jane, Rooney & Stuart on October 10, 2011 at 3:31am
Sherri - I hope that your Thanksgiving was wonderful - those potatoes are making my mouth water - LOL.  I think you are so right - it IS the little things that matter. 


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