Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well, we survived week 1!  For the most part Zoey has been a perfect angel, but certainly not without our "moments'.  She has slept through the night since last Sunday, so that is one HUGE blessing, although getting up at the crack of dawn still has mommy wiped out, especially since I am a night owl.  Potty training is going so so.  Guess I thought she might catch on a little quicker, but we have our good days and bad (today, so far has been a good one).  I have been trying to recall how long it took potty train my last dog, but I just can't recall.  We'll keep working at it.  We have been back & forth a few times between home & Grandma & Grandpa's.  She likes it there cause there are WAY more places to explore and play hide & go seek from mommy, since their house is much bigger than home.  But Grandma went & bought an ex-pen this week, so maybe Zoey will have new thoughts on this as she begins puppy daycare over there while her mommy gets back to the office next week.  On Wednesday she learned to climb the stairs.  Thought I would get away without having to buy a baby gate in edition to the crate, the ex-pen, etc., but I went out Thursday and bought one and let's just say Zoey is not a fan of it (she spent a good deal of the first day it was up biting the bars).  Today we have our first real visit from the outside world (my BFF, her husband & their son).  All I can say is I wish we could have visitors everyday - Zoey fell asleep as they were leaving and has pretty much been out all afternoon (hmmm...I might regret this at 10pm tonight when I am ready to begin winding down & she is in full on zoomies mode LOL, but for now I am enjoying some peacefulness). We have 1 more day before mom has to get back to reality & goes back to work.  Going to miss her like crazy.  Wish the grandparents were more tech savvy so they could send me photos, video, text, etc. updates during the day.  Oh well...guess I will survive somehow & will just have to soak up as much puppy breath in the next 24 hours as possible.

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Comment by Julie and Maggie on August 8, 2011 at 11:25am
Sounds like a great first week! It is so nice when you luck out and they sleep through the night. My neighbor's 4 month old lab puppy still gets them up a couple times. Thanks for the update!
Comment by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla on August 7, 2011 at 3:03pm
I'm sorry you have to go to work and miss her but you are SO lucky that your parents will care for Zoey. Make sure they try to keep her on the same potty/eating schedule as you do so she learns from consistency! Good luck Zoey!!
Comment by Bonnie and Kona on August 7, 2011 at 8:19am
Wonderful to hear how much Zoey is loved. Glad g-ma and g-pa can pitch in to help with day care. Enjoy!
Comment by Mimi Linna, Lilly and Lolly on August 7, 2011 at 4:56am
love your blog.. isn't it great to have them home... yes, I want to rent a 6 yr old to play with Lilly sometimes..
Comment by Jane, Rooney & Stuart on August 7, 2011 at 4:40am
The first week is the hardest and it only gets better from there.  Potty training takes a little while so have patience - she'll soon have it down, then pretty soon their aren't babies any longer and you wonder where that little puppy went.  Enjoy.
Comment by Laurie, Fudge, and Vern on August 7, 2011 at 4:18am
You are so lucky to have your parents to watch Zoey when you are at work. In the beginning, it felt like I took Fudge and Vern out every fifteen minutes to go potty. Good luck and congratulations!
Comment by Lisa, Daisy & Dexter on August 7, 2011 at 1:47am

Just look at that face....perfect little creature. I know it's work but don't ya just love it!

If she is catching on at all that is a good thing. My DH kept a journal and we had her out once every 30 minutes to potty. We all did the happy dance when it was accomplished. For us schedule was key. We played for 15 minutes, took her to potty and then we would put her in her crate where usually she would nap for 30 minutes....then we would take her out to potty (feet never hit the ground) come back in and repeat. It was especially hard cause it was the dead of winter. She trained in less then a month. DH took the first week off, I took the next, the next 3 weeks were my Mom's responsibility, she came and stayed with us from Michigan. When she left she was fully potty trained (sans a very few "our fault" incidents).

Once Daisy was fully vetted she came to work with me ever since.

Comment by Nicky, Riley & Boris on August 6, 2011 at 11:59pm
Riley is four months old today and that week is already in the dim and distant past.  It was lovely but oh so tiring too as I remember.
Comment by Camilla and Darwin on August 6, 2011 at 11:41pm
Ah, the first week is such fun, and so crazy.


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