Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Kerri B. & Zoey's Blog (9)

As the holidays approach & the year comes to a close...

I realized the other day that I have not blogged here is quite awhile.  Just logged in to look this up...HOLY MOLY...its been almost a YEAR!  Wow...2012 sure must have been keeping us very busy with work and play.  

Zoey is doing great, which is a BIG improvement from this time last year.  Right after the holidays I'd had her fixed and getting through the recovery from that, I literally cried for a week as NOTHING would keep this dog from pulling/licking at her stitches.  Frustration…


Added by Kerri B. & Zoey on November 17, 2012 at 12:39pm — 7 Comments

It's been awhile...where to begin...

Puppy, work and life in general have kept me away for awhile.  It's hard to believe that we are in the midst of the holidays and that Zoey is almost 7 months old!  She is still just a little over 20#s, so I am beginning to question how big she is ultimately going to get.  She's not a big eater, so maybe that is part of why she is still so small, but I am kind of enjoying it and thinking that if she doesn't get too much bigger, that won't be such a bad thing...she is just a little too big to…


Added by Kerri B. & Zoey on December 26, 2011 at 1:51pm — 9 Comments

Survived a visit from my brother AND our 1st obedience class!

Work has been insane the last few weeks...did I say insane...I mean INSANE (&@$^^&%^&$@%^#$%@!!!!!!  Because of my crazy schedule, Zoey spent a lot of extra time at Grandma & Grandpa's and with my brother who was out visiting for the week.  The good news is that he & Zoey got along famously (mainly because he is the only one she seems to mind LOL).  Granted, he told me multiple times what a handful she is, but he also told me what a cool little dog she is.  I guess I was…


Added by Kerri B. & Zoey on October 5, 2011 at 6:15pm — 3 Comments

16 time flies

Zoey will be 16 weeks old tomorrow.  I can't believe how time has flown.  She had a visit to the vet yesterday and weighed in at a whopping 12 lbs (still scratching my head at how big I think she's gonna may only be 12 lbs, but it's a solid 12 lbs when she likes to climb up you like a mountain goat).  Overall the vet visit went least in my mind...I'm sure having her AG's expressed was a less than pleasant for her LOL...but she has been licking and chewing like crazy at…


Added by Kerri B. & Zoey on September 26, 2011 at 5:50pm — 4 Comments

WARNING...Grossness ahead

Uggh...Had our first vet scare this morning and I feel like a bad mommy. Zoey managed to get her hands or rather her mouth on a tampon wrapped in tissue out of the trash this am (eeeww...GROSS...I don't know WHY they are so enticed by this.  My GR did this too...disgusting). I am usually very good about keeping the trash cans up, but she found me at a weak moment and of course once I realized she had it a game of keep-away ensued.  By the time I got my hands on her and was able to pry her…


Added by Kerri B. & Zoey on September 13, 2011 at 11:42am — 15 Comments

This is Child's Play

Just hanging out today enjoying a chance to read my US Weekly and a cup of coffee while Zoey took a snooze and the phone rings.  My BFF is on the line saying that she is out this way running errands and wanted to know if she could come by for a little bit. Sure...of course.  What she did not tell me was that she had her two little ones with her (5 and 2 1/2 yrs. old).  Zoey has had no experience yet around little kids.  My niece and nephew were around when she first came home, but they are…


Added by Kerri B. & Zoey on September 10, 2011 at 5:40pm — 8 Comments

Should have named her Houdini

So Saturday I spent most of the afternoon putzing around the house cleaning up between puppy naptimes.  Late that afternoon, I planned to go visit my bestie & see her new house.  I couldn't take Zoey with me, so I made sure to get some playtime in with her, took out to potty and then rearranged her pen so that she could have a larger space on the tile in the entry to move around in, have her food & water and would still be ok if she had an accident.  I put the pen up to block entry…


Added by Kerri B. & Zoey on September 5, 2011 at 8:54am — 7 Comments

End of Week 3 - And the fun continues...

Well 3 weeks down, and I can definitely see Zoey's getting bigger (and bolder!).  The fiesty-ness continues and I am using "NO BITE" with the waterbottle, but she is still a little vampiress!  LOL.  She LOVES to be outside & dig in the grass (my dad is NOT a fan - she's ruining his lawn) and loves bark, leaves, twigs...basically anything that falls off a tree, bush or flower.  Her new thing this week is to take food out of her dish and play with it like a hockey puck on the tile.  My mom…


Added by Kerri B. & Zoey on August 20, 2011 at 12:13pm — 3 Comments

Week 1 Ramblings

Well, we survived week 1!  For the most part Zoey has been a perfect angel, but certainly not without our "moments'.  She has slept through the night since last Sunday, so that is one HUGE blessing, although getting up at the crack of dawn still has mommy wiped out, especially since I am a night owl.  Potty training is going so so.  Guess I thought she might catch on a little quicker, but we have our good days and bad (today, so far has been a good one).  I have been trying to recall how long… Continue

Added by Kerri B. & Zoey on August 6, 2011 at 4:39pm — 9 Comments


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