I have a fox red lab purebred-no papers and a standard poodle purebred-no papers -unexpecected pregnancy! and now we have 7 tan/cream colored Labradoodles--no papers they are 10 wks, partially potty trained and have had thier 1rst and 2nd set of shots. I need to know how much i should sell them for--I am not a breeder. And also i need to know the best way to sell them. Now days i worry who would buy them. Would they get a good home.
If you are not a breeder and your pets have no papers, why weren't they neutered or spayed? Have you at least had testing done on the parents? I think most people would shy away from this type of breeding and not be willing to take a chance on the puppies - no matter how cute. Maybe check with your vet. Sometimes they have announcements of puppies available. Good luck in finding appropriate homes for these little sweeties.
The rescue groups that help save abandoned and abused and unwanted doodles may be a good place to start. They have guidelines in effect for adopting one of their rescues that insure that they are going to good loving homes with out alterior motives AKA breeding them again and profiting. If you search this site for doodle rescue you should find some help.
At this point I would think just finding good homes that would take them would be the best you can do. The Doodle Rescue Collective can help. Otherwise, I think I would just ask for what you have financially invested in them if you think you can sell them. I know personally I was looking and willing to pay for parents with health testing, papers and some guarantee, all of which you can't offer to new owners. Good Luck and I hope you find some great homes for them as I bet they are very cute.
My first response when reading this is: "What? They are 10 weeks old and this is only being looked into now? Why weren't her dogs spayed and neutered so such accidents don't happen?" But I don't know your situation so we'll move on to my answer to your question.
Since you have No papers and No health testing (I'm guessing since this was not planned as you say), then you should sell them CHEAP. Not free, but not too pricey--whatever the going rate for accidental puppies is in your area. An accidentally mixed breed without thought behind the breeding shouldn't be more expensive than any other random ooops litter. Even if they are labradoodles.
You sell them cheap and be extremely picky about who buys them. In fact, don't even let people come to look at the pups until you've interviewed them over the phone and gotten vet references. Sell only to people with fenced yards. Sell only to people who say their dogs will live indoors with them (not outside). Sell only to people who do NOT have allergies. Make sure everyone knows that the pups MIGHT shed and there is no way to tell for sure at this age.
Interview potential buyers extensively. Then use the money you make to get your lab and poodle spayed and neutered so no more ooops litters happen.
Better yet you contact a rescue group like Doodle Rescue Collective or IDOG and let them help you find them homes for free. You'll get no money this way, but at least they will do the hard work of screening potential homes...after all finding them forever homes is the important part...not how much they sell for.
DRC is happy to take the pups into our adoption program and help place them in responsible, loving homes ...Because they are really too young for altering we will adopt them with spay/neuter contracts that ARE strictly enforced...
We will then take part of the adoption fee proceeds and pay for you to spay and neuter your dogs so that this does not happen again.......There is a low cost clinic in Omaha that is within an hour of your home.
If you choose to adopt them out yourself, please PLEASE take what Adina has posted to heart.....What is MOST important is that they go to responsible, loving homes....It will be difficult for you to enforce any spay/neuter provisions without a contract. Nebraska has very few animal protection laws and I'm sorry to say that many people in Nebraska view animals as property as opposed to family members with needs and feelings.....This all troubles me.....As I said, the offer above stands...Please contact us at:
doodlerescuecollective@yahoo.com and we can exchange contact info.
Hi Ang, I just wanted to say that I am impressed by the fact that you would worry who would buy the puppies. I don't need to know how this "unexpected pregnancy" happened. It just happened and there is nothing anyone can do about it now. You now have 7 beautiful healthy puppies and I am sure you will find good homes for them. It sounds to me like you are taking excellent care of these pups. It must be so hard for you to think about giving them up and I too would be so worried about the people that come to take them home. Personally, because you are not a practicing breeder I would sell the pups for at least half the price that breeders charge or less if the right couple came along. I would love to see pictures of them, can you post any?