Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have come across a whole lot of negativity because I chose a doodle. I am sure I'm not the only one here who has encountered this attitude. I have done a lot of research on dog breeds since I was very young, and it's hard to hear people make judgments on my breed of choice, due to the bad rap "designer dogs" get. Don't get me wrong, I don't support breeding every possible dog to a poodle. Quite the opposite, I feel that breeds should only be created if it's a beneficial mix. There should be numerous logical reasons for the mix, and it should only be done with a lot of preparation and knowledge. I think back yard breeders or any thoughtless breeders are bad, for ANY breed of dog. 

On the flip side, Darwin's appearance draws a lot of people, and I have heard so many "Where can I get a dog like him?" questions.  I have had many people ask me where they can buy a "cheap" Goldendoodle, because they see Darwin and love his furry appearance. They don't realize the time I take for training, grooming, and health issues with Darwin. I always try and educate them, but it's so much information to communicate. I really want to write a blog post for my personal blog, explaining my choice and presenting the truth about "doodles and designer breeds." I have searched for past topics on this (I saw an amazing discussion on this but can't find it) and I was hoping to call for everyone's collective thoughts. 

Anyways, this is long winded. As you can see from this paragraph, I am not the most organized at presenting my opinions. I made an informed decision and am educated on the pros and cons. It's just hard for me to organize all of my thoughts and present it well. I'm hoping for other's thoughts and insights, to help me write this post. I'd love links, thoughts, and a discussion on the argument about how awful  "designer breeds/breeders/owners" are. 

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People rarely ask us about Ned. I think that because he is small and his coat is pretty curly, people assume he is a poodle. Since we got Clancy, people have come out of the woodwork asking about him. When we say he is a rescue, they are shocked that such a 'nice dog' would be at the 'pound' and then they think that they will 'save' lots money and go get a Clancy at their dog shelter. When people do first ask about Clancy - and sometimes Ned, I usually say they are poodle mixes because I want to avoid the designer mutt conversation and most people just want to tell you your dog looks cool and don't care what they are. If the people seem truly interested, I go into educator mode and tell them all about doodles and breeding etc. (probably more than they want to know) and I whip out a doodlekisses 'business' card so they could - if they are really interested - find out all they need to know to get a good doodle.
It's funny you brought this up, because I have been thinking the same thing. The other day a cashier at Pet smart was absolutely in love with Holly. She said she wanted a doodle because she has terrible allergies and Holly "is so well behaved and so cute." I wanted to educate her on everything right there while checking out and it was hard to get out what I wanted. I told her about DK and told her to do her research on breeders to make sure they do testing etc. but I left feeling like she was going to go buy a doodle from a backyard breeder and not know what she was getting herself into!
Then there are other times when people will make snide remarks about how she's a designer dog, and again, I want to tell them so much stuff but can't get it all out quick enough. I will definitely be interested in hearing your responses!
My husband had a goldendoodle in the 70s but back then they were Whoops Mrs. Cravitz's Gilden hooked up with the neighbors poodle. As soon as we knew we wanted a dog my DH wax nostalgic about "chief" I only had cats growing up so I didn't know much about dogs. So when i started doing research on the kind of dog we wanted I looked up what DH always called Chief 1/2 Standard Poodle 1/2 Golden Retriever and low and behold Designer Dog Goldendoodle came up. He couldn't believe it.

We stand by our decision to go with a reputable breeder and pick the dog we liked.
We just fell in love with Snickers! And he is even more of a mutt than your average GD since he is 1/4 Irish Setter!

Everyone should choose the dog they think will fit best in their home and lifestyle since DH had lived with a GD for years we knew what we were in for! :)
Sorry meant Golden not Gilden stupid iPhone keyboard
Wow Snickers is 1/4 Irish Setter?? Kirby is 1/2 Irish Setter and 1/2 poodle. We are always dying to meet other "Kirby" like dogs :) I will go check out your photos.

So is Snickers 1/4 Golden Retriever, 1/4 Irish Setter and 1/2 poodle?
I'm at the point now where I really don't even care about the negative people. I'm passionate about Doodles and everyone knows that (after spending five minutes with me). I do tell people who are interested in getting one all about the commitment they will have to make....I clearly don't want to encourage someone to get a Doodle who will eventually be rehomed. I tell people that I really don't think about my guys as being "designer dogs"...they're just dogs, and great ones at that. I love sharing with people who are skeptical how fantastic Guinness is as a Therapy dog....that usually quiets them right down. I definitely have a different conversation when people ask where they can get a "cheap Doodle". That's when I go into my tyrade about the potential health and temperament issues which usually leads to my puppy mill discertation (at that point they are running in the opposite direction).
I guess I am one of the lucky ones because I have never run across rude comments about my choice of breed.
But - whenever anyone asks about them I make sure I bend their ear about the high maintainence of their grooming and exercise, training is a lifetime committment, the importance of quality kibble and how many how don't their do their homework wind up dumping their doodles in a shelter. I tell them about Puppy Mills and explain how Charli would have been euthanisized because she was born with an umbilical cord hernia which made her unacceptable for a pet store. Boy, you should see the shock on their faces. That's my intent - to make sure that anyone thinking of adding a doodle into their lives understand what that entails.
I always let people know that sweet, goofy Clancy was in a kill shelter - either dumped or abandoned! What a crime that was. I also let them know that Ned's coat is very high maintenance if they want that doodle look. BUT it is hard not to over brag about what wonderful dogs they are when one is so doodle obsessed.
How true! So many people ask me about my girls and when I say labradoodle, they start talking about how they don't shed and are hypoallergenic...etc. I stop them right there and say that no one can guarantee that a doodle will not shed or be hypoallergenic and that it really is wrong for any breeder to assure someone that a doodle puppy will look a certain way. One woman at the dog park today heard they one of my doodles was an australian LD and said "well, at least you know that they will breed true" (Meaning that all her future pups will look just like her) Hmmm...I don't think that even the Australians are there yet. So, people just have a lot of misinformation. I have only been criticized outright by one woman, who said she would never own a doodle, but later on she was nicer and said that she thought they were hard to groom. I think she saw how nice my dogs are and felt bad about her snooty comment!
And so she should!!! I would never have a pit personally, but I would NEVER tell a pit owner that. How rude.
Both of my sons have Pit bulls. They get a very bad reputation from people who don't know how to raise a dog or worse, who want them to be vicious. Both of my son's dogs are gentle, and loyal and one of them is more obedient than Webber. I have little use for people who want to talk about designer dogs negatively. I think the Australian Labradoodle was bred on purpose to be a companion/service dog. It wasn't an accidental poodle cross in a back yard. You are right Nancy, people can be so rude.
And I didn't mean to offend Pit lover/owners. They are just one of the breeds I personally wouldn't want. I prefer floppy eared dogs especially if they are goofy.



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