Thought it might be funny to write what our dogs would wish for if they could have some dreams come true.
Porter's are:
1. All you can eat pizza, cheeseburger, and cupcake party with a "fresh" toilet to drink from (so much better than the filtered water in his dog bowl). 2. Daily playdates with several dogs who play keep-away with him and do not play with each other--are just slavishly devoted to chasing him. 3. To save the family from an honest-to-goodness intruder who runs away in fear at Porter's ominous growls. Reward: see #1 (wish 4. A 5-acre expansion of our yard including the installation of a pond.)
It's Shelby here..... my wishes are:
1. Being able to go with Mom everywhere she goes.... work, grocery, etc.
2. Play dates every day.....
3. Endless butterflies to chase - I love to chase them.... they are so colorful and move fast!
Coopers wishes are
1 - the cats would play with me
2 - to have access outside always! (and Brynn the neighbours dog is always out there waiting to play)
3 - To not have to go into my pen when Mommy and Daddy go to work - i wont chew the couch, honest!
Jackdoodle's top three wishes would be:
1. Mom would play ball with me from the time she wakes up 'til the time she goes to bed, and maybe even in her sleep, too!
2. Fresh fish in my bowl at every meal!
3. No more baths and no more itchies!
Neely's may be:
Being allowed to go everywhere a human can go with out restriction. (We want that too)
His own salt water pool ( me too!)
Play dates with tons of wrestling
He also loves to track smells so playing hide and seek or maybe even being a working cancer sniffing dog of search and rescue dog but he'd probably think that that was a playday too.
1) Treats, Treats, and more and more Treats!
2) Sophie to leave my tail alone when we are playing outside.
3) An air conditioned back yard --- cause I just get too hot to play forever!
1) Unlimited access to Lucy's tail!
2) A better drained back yard so we can still play outside when it has rained without getting really muddy! (that might be mom's wish cause we don't really care).
3. For Mom to stop saying "No Bark".
Mom's 3 wishes:
1) That Lucy and Sophie remain happy and healthy for many many years to come!
2) To be independently wealthy and have a huge house and yard so I could have more doodles!
3) That people who don't understand what is involved would stop buying doodles so there is no longer a need for Doodle Rescues!
Gracie Doodle would want unlimited access to "real" tennis balls, access to water at all times to swim in and dunk her ball in and finally, her Momma and Poppa always there to throw her ball!
Ned's three wishes:
1. Being an only dog like Webber and Graciedoodle - they get all of the good attention.
2. No grooming = ever! But I could still get the grooming time cuddles from Dad.
3. Getting more than one Evening Primrose Oil pill a day - that is my desert - Yummy.
Clancy's three wishes:
1. Being an only dog like Webber and Graciedoodle - they get all of the good attention.
2. Grooming every day - especially on my tummy.
3. As much as I want to eat, when I want to eat and quit trying to sneak in those Evening Primrose Oil pills!
Isn't it nice that they agree on something? Oh yes, Ned is really not into Clancy's body slamming either, Guinness!
Bodi's wishes:
1. to go in the car with mom and dad ALL of the time
2. to play with other dogs every day
3. a KING size bed for mom and dad so we can all fit better!
1. That his all humans within sniffing distance would make an extra portion of whatever they were about to eat and give it to him every single time they put anything into their mouth.
2. A football stadium full of squeakies, stuffed toys, and plastic horsies--all to himself to enjoy under a big shady tree planted IN that stadium.