Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hey doods!!  Rosey here:) We had our first day at OB school today and boy was it fun!!  We got LOTS of yummy treats just for doin easy stuff like SIT, DOWN, WATCH ME, I mean WTD how hard it that???  But then it started gettin' a little it harder, we had to STAY while our parents walked circles around us, not sure what that is all about, I mean why would our parents ever need to walk circles around us??  But we just laid there until they were done circlin' and then we got a treat.. a liver treat, that was pretty easy.  So then we got all kinds of more treats for walkin on a leash, running across the field to mommy, bein' nice to the other dogs.  Gosh I wish we got to do this everyday.   Bandit was just a little show off though, everyone was oogling over him because he had to jump while walkin' on the leash to reach to get the treats, they said that was OK for him to do because he is just a "baby" and he is "small" but when I did it I didn't get anything:(  Then he would just stare holes through mommy tryin' to get my treats.  A couple of times I had to tackle him to the ground just to remind him who's alpha around here.  I tell ya little brother can be a big pain in the tail.  Mom says we get to go again next Saturday, wish it was tomorrow, but mom promises we have homework this week,  not sure what that is but hopefully it means more treats! Until next time, Toodles my Doodles:) Rosey

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Way to go Rosey and Bandit. Rosey you just keep in charge!
Hi Rosey and Bandit!! Hooray for OB class and lots of treats!!! Im not exactly sure what OB class is because I am home schooled. But if it involves treats it sounds like something I would really like!!! Can't wait to hear more of your adventures in OB!!! In the meantime I'll be dreamin' of zoomin on the race track with you guys and eatin liver treats!!! xoxo Tara
Wow, Rosey, your school sounds like a lot of fun! When I went to OB school, there was a lot of peeing going on. Not by me, but there were a lot of babies like Bandit and they were having what my mom called a passing contest, or something like that. It was gross, your school sounds better.
Homework does mean more treats, at least it did when I had homework from my school. It's just practicing what you learned at school so you can show off how smart you are in class next week. I bet you'll be the best student there!
Your friend,
Gosh Rosey, my mom is a nurse and used to help deliver babies, so I'm hoping OB school is different than what she used to do cuz she never mentioned any treats for anyone. I like the sound of your school though. I am home schooled too and my mommy is pretty tough. I used to get a lot of treats when i was a puppy, but now she just expects me to do everything cuz she says so! So watch that....maybe don't let your mommy know you really know how to do stuff yet so she keeps thinking you need more treats!!!! Hey, I may try that one myself.
nothing to do with babies, mom just doesn't like spelling that word cuz she always gets it wrong OBEDIENCE, hopefully our class doesn't include spelling tests:( although we watch a lot of sesame street so maybe... And I love to play the "dumb redhead' game hee he don't tell my mom!!
Way to go you cute doodles!
Hey Rosey - maybe now would be a good time to remind your mom that Bandit is a little chunky and you should get his treats! After all, everything he knows he learned from his big sis and you probably didn't get treats for teachin' him. When I went to OB school we had all big dogs there - one was big like a wooly mammoth and he got kicked out of class for trying to eat another dog...I sure hope you don't have any like that in your school! He coulda eaten Bandit in one bite! Good luck on your homework and enjoy the treats, I really like the treat part, although I never got any that tasted like liver! Your friend Clifford
Hey Cliff - wow your class sounds scary! Ours is all nice dogs,some of them we know from other classes. We have a trainer that is very good, she is some kind of Dr at UofM in animal psychology, mom says she's like our own Victoria Stillwell. So she only let's nice dogs in group classes...She must be smart cuz she's the one who told mom to give us high value treats like cheese, hot dogs, liver..makes us mind much better!! Maybe your mom will try and get you some to make up for having the F doodle Latte so long:) Your pal, Rosey
I'm supposed to take another class - mom wants me to get CGC certified..whatever that is. She thinks then we could have kids read to me and we can go places to make people smile. I don't need any silly certificate to make people smile, doesn't she know that?? I get lamb treats now, they are pretty good - Latte likes them now too so I have to share them when we go on walks. I share swiss cheese with mom - it's our special treat we have together so it's cool. Your teacher sounds really smart! Mine was good after she kicked the big wooly mammoth out - she used me for demonstrations all the time and I got extra treats for it. Good luck with your homework - let me know if you get some doggie crack I've been readin' about, it sounds way cool. Cliff
Woo Hoo, Rosey....OB school rocks! I loved it, because I got very special treats there. My trainer called it "doggie crack", and it was the best thing I've ever tasted. I would do ANYTHING for that stuff. My Mom only gives me healthy treats....but the trainer gives "high value" stuff. Don't know what that means, but it the BEST! I sure hope they give out that "doggie crack" at your school. I'm sure you're the smartest dog there (because Doodles are always the smartest). Have you tried taunting your little brother about how you get to go to OB school and he doesn't....because you're bigger, and he's just a "baby"? That's always fun. Your OB loving friend, Guinness.
Hey G! What is doggie crack?? Do you know what flavor it is?? Bandit is in my class too, mom says even though he is a baby he should be able to learn this stuff too because he is so smart. I don't know, I think he is just there to distract everyone with his ornry behavior and antics of being so cute! I try to keep him in line though! You know what I am sayin cuz I know you have to keep your little brother in line too!! Your pal, Rosey



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