Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Thinking of getting one, maybe two dogs, not to replace the ones we lost a month ago, but to have some place to put all of this doodle love we have.I think in the past week, we've been approached by at least 5 people and or organizations with dogs who need homes. Fence guys came today- new and knocked out fence due middle of next it too soon??

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Only you know the answer to that!  Just make sure you are firm on your decision before you go "looking" to avoid falling for the thing you see ;)

If you are asking, I think you are ready......  Some people wait years, some people only wait a couple of days, there is no too soon if it is in your head now :)  I waited too long, personally, I was depressed and what it really took was for me to get a new puppy to take my mind off of the hurt.  And boy did he take my mind, this little turd blew my mind LOL  He was tough and I never had time anymore to be sad, just what I needed :)  My opinion  if you are going to do puppies, do one at a time.

That is a difficult question, I have never experienced the loss of a pet like you have.  You had young dogs that you were ready to raise for their lives and taken away so suddenly.  Good to hear the fence is repaired, there are a lot of dogs who need love and and a home.  But only you can decide if you are ready... :)

No, your heart is full of doodle love and no where to put it. Start looking. I love dogs in pairs, they are so often life long friends.  This doesn't mean you love your Bridge kids any the less, but that you were so fulfilled with them that your empty feeling is showing. By all means, find that doodle love, it's what your fur kids would have wanted you to do.  They are all like glue, forever.

I agree that if the thought is in your mind it may be a sign that you are ready. I think it is important to really think through what you are wanting in a canine companion and stick with trying to find a match for that...puppy, adult dog, maybe a rescue or rehome that may or may not have some problems that they need help with?


I waited too long and was miserable for years. I definitely don't recommend THAT!!  It has come up recently in several blogs and discussions that doodles are menders of broken hearts. Maybe this is what your hearts need to heal. Keep us posted!!

I don't think anyone can answer that but you. I do know that the love of dogs is beneficial to everyone, and there are many dogs out there that would certainly benefit from your love as well. :-) 

I was wondering when you would be considering another doodle. Not if.  Seems to me once you've had doodle love in your life it would be very quiet without them.  Yes, only you can answer, however, I always like to make a mental list of "Pro's and Con's" before I decide big life changing choices. I couldn't think of any "Con's" but you again can only answer that.  As for 2 puppies, you certainly wouldn't have time to even sleep, let alone be sad !   One at first and see how it goes is you aren't sure you're ready. Nothing like a new puppy to "Make you ready"!!!

I think the time is right when you decide it is right. Everyone is different and if you feel ready for more doodles, I say good for you.

Jan the loneliest time in my life was the time was after our old springer passed.  We waited 2 years (too long) before bringing a pair of puppies into our lives.  Sometimes it is better to follow your heart and not your head.  And it sounds like your heart is yearning to spread some doodle love.

As long as you know that they won't be replacements,  but new unique dogs, you're ready.  There are so many dogs that need a loving home which you can provide.  Over the past 25 years my DH and I have lost 4 dogs.  The grief was always a little bit easier when we had another dog to occupy our time.

Follow your heart :-)

If you think you are ready, you are ready.  I have not yet lost my own pet - only family pets when I was younger.  Each time that has happened, my mom has gotten another very soon.  They never replace the ones lost, but they are all wonderful!


Good luck - keep us posted.



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