Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This morning Vern woke me up by putting his enormous paw on my face. Sometimes, if I am working on my computer in bed while he is sleeping, when he wakes up, he sits and stares at me for awhile. If I ignore the stare, he lays his face right on my keyboard. Next, comes the paw. If you are really lucky, he puts both paws on you and it feels like a doodle hug.


Fudge almost never wakes us up and usually, reluctantly gets up when forced. She doesn't even get up sometimes when Vern has to go out.


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When the sun comes up, Peri usually gets off her bed and starts stomping and huffing.  That wakes me up.  Then I say "come on up", she jumps up, and lays at the bottom of the bed until the alarm goes off.  She is only allowed on the bed when we are getting ready for bed and when it is daylight. She is a smart doodle.

Oliver sleeps in our room in his crate, he will not go sleep if the door to the crate is open, so we have to close it for him, or he whines until we do.  DH gets up, goes in the shower, and Oliver just looks up and goes back to sleep.  He looks in my direction and then just closes his eyes and back to sleep.  He wakes up when he hears the shower done and waits patiently for Ira to let him out.  He then scoots out of the room, they meet Rennie wherever he is sleeping, Oliver wakes him up and they start their morning routine with my husband.  He walks Oliver first, then Renny, and Oliver watches out the window in my office to make sure he isn't missing something.  Then they eat breakfast, hubby and two dogs, and then Oliver and Renny line up for their vitamins, etc.  then Ira lets them back in bedroom, Oliver checks to make sure I am there, stops to give me a kiss, and then he goes in his cratre and either sleeps or plays with toys until I get up, and most of the time I can get another hour or two of sleep, lol, then I let him out, we play and I have coffee, and the two of them hang out with me for the rest of the day..  If i want to take a nap or read a book, Oliver jumps on the bed and lies down with me

Can I trade you Vern for Oliver? Just kidding, but I would love Vern to sleep in later.

every morning i wake to the sound of Cooper pacing the house..... then ill hear a little whimper. I keep my eyes closed hoping she will go back to sleep, but If I peek I see a big brown face about 1 inch from my face. Then theres more pacing followed by louder cries - and i have to get up to let her go potty. She usually wakes at 7.20 ( just before our regular waking time) but thats not nice on our days off, or when we are on late shifts (twice a week)  She will often sleep in til 8.30, but thats not late enough lol

My kids (now ages 10 and 12) taught Alma to "pounce."   So, when it is time to get them out of bed - on a school day -  I tell her, "It's time to get the kids up."  She rushes to the room and jumps on the bed - first my son's room then my daughter's.   I give Alma the signal (a pointed index finger), she stands on her hind legs and with her front legs she (gently) pounces on them.  She loves it and so do they!  What a great way to start the day.  A furry face with a wagging tail : )

The only time she wakes my husband and I is when she neeeeeds to go out and she rings her bells at the back door to let us know.  Oh, and she barks if she hears a strange sound at night.  Ugg!

That sounds so cute....a pounce for a wake up. I like that a lot better than an alarm clock.

The pups know it's not me they need to wake up but DH.   Rosey will get up into bed and lay on DH, lick his face.  Bandit sometimes will go out with them but usually wait until I am ready to get up to do anything. If Bandit is ready to get up before me he will just go to the door and pound on the bells.

When I start to stir, Pretzel wakes up and start scratching and scratching.  Then he makes some noises to let me know he is awake.  When he is ready to go out, he goes over to the door and rings the bell we hang there so he doesn't have to scratch the door.  If that doesn't get me up, he comes over to the bed, puts his paws on the edge, grabs my hand with his mouth (he is gentle) and starts trying to pull me out of bed.  If he can't get my hand, he tries to pull the covers off.  

I'm really hoping that he will start to sleep until I get up as he gets older!

Caeleach loves to wake you up by sticking her tongue UP YOUR NOSE!

CJ lays lengthwise along your body (she weighs about 80 lbs)

UP YOUR NOSE!!! And I thought my Bella sticking her tongue in my ear was strange. She and Murphy go out about 5 when DH gets up and then come pouncing back into bed, wet paws and all, and the tongues go flying. Murphy kisses my lips and Bella comes behind him to get which ever ear she can nibble on first.  So much doodle lovin in the morning. Great way to wake up.

Divot will sit by the bed and touch us with his nose. If that doesn't work he'll put his paw on the bed. Once he has our attention, he lays down for a belly rub.

That's too funny, Up your nose!  Zoe is gentle with me.  If I sleep in just a little she'll poke me with her nose walk to the dor come back and poke, but with DH she gets the kisses going on, licks his ears, gives him a once over......sometimes I get jealous.....all I get is poke with a wet nose... lol



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