Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello DK'rs. I have a blog on this but like anything else fun on here, it has grown to become more than originally thought. I have been advised by my fellow Doodle friends to submit this to Hallmark for a Valentines Day card, I am in the process of doing so, making it bigger and cropping and now I need some input from you all. I have a few to choose from and now need a saying for the card.....put on those thinking caps and lets do a DK Hallmark card.

Any thoughts?


UPDATE: Everyone had great ideas and I loved all your feedback.  I have a long week at work and will not get back to this until the weekend, possibly, so if anyone wants to take the photos and run with it and share what you did with us, I would be totally fine and appreciative as it is too cute to keep to myself and not do something with.

Plus Valentines day is right around the corner. I would hope in all of Doodle-Kingdom, we have someone who can do this justice or knows of someone who can. So copyrights are implied and permission granted if there needs to be any. As my DH would say: Have at it!!!!



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I had the same thought! "You are the other half of my heart"
Or, as John Mayer would say "You are half of my heart..."
Also, the heart is centered in the second photo.
My heart belongs to you furever.
Donna - I love this.
how cute...all of them. How to choose!!!!???

Can't keep my paws off of you?

or....from the BOTTOM of my heart?

or....A tail of true love?   :)

Well I submitted #2 and I Heart You and I can re-submit more so I am going to do # 3 with "you are the other half or my heart" or " Sometimes you find love in the most unexpected places" as they seem most generic. "I can't keep my paws off you" is really cute, but it is limiting in who could give it.  I will submit several actually. You can put something on the front of the card and inside. so I will thing of some combinations of these suggestions. I will keep you all posted. Any more ideas keep sending my way. Looks like I can keep submitting.
I have 2 classes to prepare for wed and thurs and am getting NOTHING done. "Oh sorry Boss, I was too busy posting on Doodlekisses all morning"  Think she will understand? Not unless she has a doodle she won't.
How about the dog ate my homework?
Haha, Good to hand to a teacher in place of the homework assignment huh?



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