Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I found this on line and thought it was funny.  I just added a couple of my own photos for visuals.  : )


Everyone loves a puppy, right?  They're cute, they're cuddly and they're funny.  


Sheba as a baby....precious.


Duke as a young pup....adorable.

Well, just let me confirm that looks are indeed deceiving.  Just look at these faces - they're so sweet that sugar wouldn't melt in their mouths!  These little darlings could be quite the handful.   Any animal owner extends a special commitment to their pet but the fact is that puppies can make you want to pull your hair out if you're unprepared.  Speaking for myself...I had a lot to learn!


If anyone is contemplating adding one of these cute little bundles of fur to their family I suggust you 

read the following and if you already have one, perhaps you can relate.


How to Prepare for a Puppy 101

1.  Spill apple juice in various places on the floor in your home (not forgetting the carpet) and walk around in the dark in your socks.


2.  Scratch your arms and legs with a fork.


3.  Turn your laundry basket upside down and throw your clothes all over the place.


4.  When someone visits you, make sure you leave your underwear in the middle of the living room floor.


5.  Scatter dog toys around your house, turn the lights off and try to walk through the house without tripping over them.


6.  Collect a bucket full of dog hair from friends, go into your wardrobe and throw the hair in the air.  Also, save some hair to float on the top of your coffee in the morning.


7.  Take a cheese grater to your table, chair and couch legs.  Don't forget to pull threads out of floor rugs.


8.  With a pair of scissors, put holes in your favorite clothes and shred the bottoms of all of your pants.


9.  Watch your favorite TV show and wait until the last five minutes.  Jump up out of your seat yelling, "No, not there, outside!" and miss the end of your show.


10.  Place some chocolate pudding somewhere on the carpet, go to work and then after you've been gone all day, try cleaning it up.


11.  Take a shovel and dig holes in the middle of your lawn.  Don't forget to tip over any potted plants you might have and scatter dirt everywhere (this can be done inside the house too).  Make sure to destroy the plants.  Buy new flowers and plant them in your garden.  Make sure to dig these up too and destroy.


12.  Hang your wash out on the line and then pull it down and leave it on the ground.


Please feel free to add to the list or add some pictures of your puppy mayhem.  Let's have some fun!



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Replies to This Discussion

  • Take a stapler and staple your fingers a few times to prepare for those puppy teeth.
  • Tape your toddlers when they are at their whiniest and play it 10 times louder in the middle of the night.
  • Just for added fun stand outside in your robe in the middle of a winter night...repeat every 4 hours.

You'll never be able to prepare for those unconditional wags and kisses at the end of a tiring day when  you come home cranky!

Hahahaha  Precious baby photos! So cute!  Great additions to the list!  I can really relate to the standing outside in my robe in the middle of a winter night.  Sometimes it was just a big T-shirt with a big winter parka thrown over it with some snow boots.  What a sight that was for the neighbors!!
Too funny and true. And Sheba and Duke were soo cute before they became such good looking adults!
Thanks F.  Gosh, it's hard to believe they were ever that little.
Shred boxes of tissues and rolls of toilet paper, then scatter it around your entire house...
Good one, Camilla!  Also, grab the toilet paper and run through the house with it.  It's really neat when it doesn't tear!
I'll add a picture to illustrate this one (courtesy of Sedona)...
  • Unravel a roll of toilet paper throughout your house.
Take a wet sponge and wipe it on your bare arms and legs.
Find a bunch of mud and smash it onto your good clothes.
Stare into these eyes and say, "NO!"

* Pierce as many little holes as possible with ice pick on your most favorite and expensive shoes. If possible, peel of some leather.


Good one, Kyoko.


  • Just try and find a matching pair of socks
  • I didn't even like changing my kid's diapers. Now I pick up poop in a baggie and carry it with me on walks until I can find a trash can. Get ready for this experience.
  • Be prepared for having your friends look at you like you are nuts when you show them yet another picture
  • Be prepared for forgetting your puppy experience and thinking about doing it all over again
  • Get ready to have the best friend you ever had

Why ladies I have no idea what in the world you are talking about!  Do your puppies do all these things ..... my girls would never!   :o)



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