Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
DH is gone for a few days, so I am home alone. I was checking doors and locks last night before bed and I had that insecure feeling of how vunerable I was home alone. Then I looked at Murphy right behind me and I realized I felt so much safer having him with me, because at the very least he would alert me to an intruder.
I then wondered...what would he do if someone really did try to break in? Would he go greet them at the door and lick them like he does with every visitor? Would he go hide under the bed if they scared him leaving me out there to fend for myself? Would he sense my fright and stay by my side or would he go attack (do doodles ever attack?) the intruder? I have never heard of any of us having our dog protect us in a scary situation. I know when I fell and got hurt while walking him once he sat right by my side, leaned into me and whined while I cried. So I think he would just stay near me. Anyone have other experiences with your doodle protecting you?
Yeah Joanne, we'll be right up there with the looters.
Guess well have to call Doodle Rescue.
(Can you see us getting in the rescue basket on the Coast Guard helicopter? LOL)
Oh Linda, what a picture that makes in my minds eye. A big ol doodle in that rescue basket!! LOL
No doubt in my mind my dogs would not only alert me, but protect me.
Some people are unsuspecting of cute fluffy dogs. I know I was. Not so true
My Sunny would bark her head off if any of them wore hats or had a big jacket or spoke too gruffly. I don't think she would bite at all, since she has never bitten anyone or anything with the intention of causing harm.
I do feel less lonely with her though.
The main reason we got Rooney was because DH works all week in NYC or else is in China. . We had just moved to FL and I was here living the good life for the most part alone. Our lab had died the year before. I finally told my husband that I was getting a boyfriend or a dog - and he could pick. Hello Rooney! LOL. I really would not expect Rooney to protect me like a Lab would but I do think (maybe I should say I'm hopeful) that he would at least sound the alarm, but then again he hardly ever barks. Jeez - I'd probably hear someone breaking in, have to take the time to wake up my dog sleeping on my bed and try to escape out the sliding doors in our bedroom, while carrying Rooney so he wouldn't run back in to say "hello" to who ever was coming in. Nah, don't think Rooney is in protection mode.
YES! I feel SO much safer with Welly around.
Right now Im house sitting for a friend in the middle of the sticks and I would be worried at night if it weren't for the doods. If I walk in the woods or somewhere remote I don't give my safety a second thought - but if they were not with me I would feel vaulnerable, no doubt.
I even walk at night without worry - I have 2 BIG dogs with me - both have BIG barks and Welly I am certain would protect me. Bingley is the bigger one - and black so he looks more scary but he is a real wimp - I think he would run off in fright. But Welly would let the guard dog in him run loose - and he can be quite convincing =)
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