Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

As many of you know Rooney was attacked at our private dog park right before Christmas.  He got a bite on the back, a laceration in his mouth, a baby tooth snapped off at the jaw and a chipped tooth.  All of which he has recovered from, thank goodness.  The owner of the attacking dog, promised in front of several witnesses that he would not bring Bozo back into the park.  The owners offered to pay our vet bill which we declined as we live in a large golfing community and really just wanted to stay friendly and put it behind us - knowing that Bozo would not be back in the park.  At this time we had people coming to us to say that Bozo had attacked/bitten or tried to attack several other dogs.  Rooney goes to our dog park EVERY day between 3:30/4:00 till about 5:00.  Bozo's owner knows this as they have to drive past the puppy park to get to their house.  At 3:45 today as we are pulling into the parking lot I see the Bozo's owners car and I'm saying to DH "OMG is that so and so's car?"  He said he wouldn't come back.  So we get out and here comes Bozo's owner yelling "just keep Rooney in the car we are leaving".  Dear lord - I LOST IT!!!  I'm telling him (yelling) that you promised you wouldn't come back in here and he is saying that since only Baxter was there, who is Bozo's best friend, that he thought he would stop in for a bit but leave when anyone else showed up.  I told him I didn't give a rats butt why he stopped, he broke his promise, that his dog was vicious and should never be in public off leash and certainly not in the dog park.  It got UGLY.  So the guy leaves and now we are in the park and I'm so mad/upset that I can barely breath and feel like my blood pressure must be at stroke level when the a&$$ comes back!!!!!!!  Now we are inside the park and I'm yelling that I'm reporting this, that I had tried to be nice and that the dog lost it privileges when it bit my dog.  He said "Bozo has only bit 3 dogs.  What the heck?!!!!  The whole thing turned into huge drama and I am having a glass of wine trying to calm down but having no luck.  The owner's wife is a big time real estate salesperson here and he rides her coat tails, think he's hot stuff, owns the place, etc.  So, of all the people that have had to deal with the jerk, I'm the only one willing to stand up and say enough!  Of course they are way higher on the social scale so now I'm going to be talked/gossiped about but guess what - NO ONE is going to threaten me or my dog!!!!  He is messing with the wrong gal!   I went to the guard house and they got the boss on the phone who assured me that Bozo's owners have already been warned and will be getting a registered letter tomorrow banning their dog.  Wishing I could MOVE.        :(

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But Jane you made such a valid point to me in your remark about some child being bitten.  That surely brought home to me that this unpredictable dog could attack anyone, anywhere or anytime.  Bozo really does need to be put down because it is not safe for him to be anywhere.  What if he got out?

And Camilla, I have been wondering what happened with the aggressive dog at your park. I am so sorry that it didn't work out. 

Where I live, there are no people to report dog park problems to other than the city ( like that would do some good).  Being obnoxious back is not a wise solution but it might make you feel better - how about a boom box playing train sounds or high pitched stuff???


Nancy, I am pretty sad about the bully at the dog park. I could go in to talk to the management but according to the other dog owners they do nothing about it. I think it's fairly common in this area so they don't take the complaints seriously. Also, according to the other dog owners, he is kind of... a violent guy. I think I will stick to our other socializing places... :-(
Congratulations to you for standing up to him.  It is very upsetting though, takes me days sometimes to really let it go.  But he had it coming.  Only three dogs bitten.  What is his limit? Five, one dead one?  Yipes, he soooooooooo had it coming.

The vet told us that if Bozo ever went after Rooney again, it would be for a kill.  Kinda chilling.


I live in a very similar community, Jane.  We are a gated condo development with three dog parks.  I had this exact same situation happen the first Summer that we had Guinness.  Same story....aggressive dog, not controlled by the owner who had "attacked" several other dogs, and I wasn't willing to take any chances with Guinness.  I know they've been fined, but every now and then I see them at one of the dog Parks.  I decided then that I would not take either of my Doods there again.  Those places are also "cesspools" of parasites, even if everyone is picking up their messes immediately.  Now I walk my guys, and we find other ways to socialize them.  With all the snow, we have allowed them in there on a couple of occasions, but only if there were no other dogs.  It's unfortunate that it has to come to this, but I decided that I just didn't want to take any chances.

And I ask you, how could anything be mean to this?

Perhaps I'm wrong but I think Doodles are the most gentle of animals.  Imagine that someone bigger attacked your child and just knocked their teeth right out of their jaw, bit them on their back, bloodly mouth?  It was a really horrific situation that I truely believed was behind us.  This doodle baby - would not hurt a fly.
And with his little monkey too.
Oh sweet Rooney, you don't deserve to share the park with bullies like that! Hope it gets resolved quickly.

Oh I am so so sorry. I can totally relate. I live in a devlopment where everyone is so friendly. I walk my dog at least two to three times a day everyday without fail. In October my 11 pound Goldendoodle and I were walking in the street and he got attacked by a neighborhood dog, his hip and knee were pulled out of socket.


I have amazing insurance on Jack so I didn't have to pay anything. I didn't cause any waves or report it. I told them to please train their dog, take him to the vet make sure he is not sick or hurting or something. They promised they would but they didn't. Three weeks later, we were walking and their dog got out again and came charging for Jack, this time I scooped Jack up and got the dog away. When I approached them on it, their attitude was it wasn't their fault one of the kids let the dog out.. Insane, so I wen ahead and reported it. They were given a warning


I was in the hospital in November and my other neighbor was taking care of Jack, the dog came after Jack again. This time my friend pressed charges and we went to court. With much drama they were fined a very large fine, senteced to 10 days in jail, (that was suspended) and they already had given the dog away.

People  need to take responsibility for their animals!!!



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