Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My brother bought a guinea pig and my dogs and I went to visit them.I knew Ozzy would be good with the pig but i wasn't sure about Dakota.I was so happy that they got along so well.Dakota was so gentle and calm around the guinea pig.She even did a play bow and barked at the guinea pig to get it to play.Of course it didn't play but Dakota didn't know that it wouldn't work.It was so funny.Once Dakota figured out that a guinea pig couldn't play with a dog she stopped trying and just followed it around and sniffed it as did Ozzy.We were also supprised that the guinea pig was so calm and wasnt scared.I forgot about the picture of a ferret I used to have.Its sleeping with Ozzy.As you can see they got along very well.


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I'm cracking up imagining a doodle doing a play bow in front of a guinea pig!
Cooper is super respectful of her kitty sisters. She plays a bit rougher with her kitty brother,  the cats are so in charge of the doodle!
I can just imagine the next post on this.  "Oops...and now there were 2."  I can't believe you got a picture of the three of them like this.  It is so cute.  I just want to know why I can't see the guinea pig's tongue????
Super cute!  Reminds me of the picture that was circulating of the cat walking past a long row of German Shepards.
Adorable! By the way, I love Dakota's "look"--a nice haircut--very doodle-y!
Wow I really can't believe it!  I thought that when faced with any type of "rodent-type" animal (sorry, I don't mean that as an insult to the guinea pig) the immediate instinct would be to grab it.......Seamus FLIPS when he spots a squirrel through the window and I always wonder what he would actually do if he had the chance to be close to something that small.  That picture, by the way, makes me smile!  As you know, I used to have a pug, and my cousin used to have a guinea pig, Chester, that looked just like this one!  Makes me miss them both!
I want to know the secret to this.  The biggest problem I have in my Therapy work with Sophie is a Guinea Pig at the Veterans Home.  Sophie acts like a total fool around this guinea big (it used to be a bunny).  As soon as we get off the elevator on that particular floor, she knows exactly where the pig is and she starts pulling on the leash.  I have stopped taking her in that area because of the way she acts.  It doesn't help that the floors are tile so while I'm holding her back her feet are going a hundred miles an hour on the tile floors.  As soon as she gets to see it for a minute or so and then I tell her ok, leave it, let's go, then she seems to be ok, However, her behavior up until that point is embarrassing.  I've even been taking her to Petsmart to visit the pigs thinking we could practice and it would help her to calm down.  She has made a lunge at the glass boxes a couple times when the pig moved that leads me to believe it would not have ended well if the pig were out like the one you have.  But I'm not sure.  I considered getting one to try and overcome this, but I really don't want a guinea pig.  It used to be birds until the bunny, then the bunny left and now it is the pig.  But if we go somewhere where there are only birds, she is the same way with birds.
I would have the same issue. I took Mattie to a class of kindergarteners and she saw frogs in a tank--she jumped right up and started clawing at the glass--oy!
That is amazing! My doodles are only good with catching and sometimes eating small animals--I would never try this--they are very prey-driven.....not good.
This just amazes me.  I would be scared to try it with Murph.  I'm afraid he'd think it was a stuffed toy and pick it up and shake it.  These are two wonderful and calm dogs.
This is a great picture.  Dakota and Ozzy are very good dogs to be so gentle with a guinea pig!
I don't think my two would be good. They want to chase our cat and catch squirrels, so I wouldn't even be brave enough to put a guinea pig in front of them.



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