Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Between getting to know everyone with Yappy Hour and the game of 3 truths and one lie, there is so much to learn about everyone and there are some really interesting and talented people on DK. I would love to know some of the vital statistics like: Age, Married, Children, their ages, professions, hobbies, a dream or goal you have before you get too old to do it. Things that aren't on our profile page already. With all the photos of ourselves we can now put the whole picture of the DK member together.

I'll start:

I am 57 and have been married to my highschool sweetheart for 39 years this May. We have two grown children, Michele 36 and Erik 30 who are both married and live nearby in Az. We have one grandson, Ethan,20 months old, who is my sunshine. I am a Labor and Delivery Nurse, somewhat semi retired and DH is a retired Fire Fighter. I love to make quilts and give one to every family member and so far have about 16 done and about 23 to go. I love to run, work out, be outdoors, garden, read, and spend time with family and doodles. One of my biggest goals is to hike the Grand Canyon rim to rim and also to see Europe someday. Other than that, my dream of being a mom and grandmother is being realized every day.

How about you?


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I'm game.  Here goes:

I'm 58.  I was born in Arizona but moved to California when I was 9 and have been a "Cali girl" ever since.  I've been married for almost 34 years.  We have one daughter (Rebecca, a 29 year old clinical psychologist who specializes in assessment) and one granddaughter (5 month old Kayla).  My husband, Doug, is retired - he spent 7 years in the Navy as a young man and then worked in Silicon Valley in the electronics industry.  I spent 25 years teaching middle school special education and the last 8 years in private practice doing educational assessment.  Now I work part time, babysit Kayla three mornings a week, work out at least twice a week, and make daily visits to my mother (86 and living nearby in a wonderful assisted living facility).  Right now I really don't have much time for hobbies, but I used to tap dance (I started when Rebecca signed me up for the moms' class at her studio).  Doug and I attend local musical theater productions, are San Francisco 49'ers season ticket holders (for three years, Rebecca was a SF Goldrush Girl), take an occasional cruise, and do a little RV'ing.   

Had a feeling you were in Az at one time. Love the name Sedona for your doodle. Don't you just love being a grandma? How is it babysitting? I will be beginning that soon here too. Altho mine is 20 months old and we call him "Crazzzzy man!" because he doesn't stop for a second.

You have a busy and active life. thank you for sharing. Nice to put all the pieces together.

I must be tired, because when I first read your post I thought it said you lap dance. I thought that was a lot of information...LOL. Now, I see TAP dance. I always thought that looked like so much fun. My daughter just got her PhD in Special Education. You sound like a very busy lady. Thank you for sharing.
Nice Maria, So good to get to know you. I feel the teen years are the most important to stay close to home and be available for those 3 girls. I run too. Been doing it for 30 years, Now both my children run too. Great sport.
Thanks for starting this Sue - it's been interesting to get to know everyone. I noticed that all of us seem to have a love of the outdoors - whether it's gardening or hiking. Ive been running for about the same as you - it's a great way to keep a clear head. My kids run intermittently - which is a good start.  I havent had a chance to read all of the posts. I dont seem to be able to get on DK too often but I will enjoy reading these. Have a great day!
Thanks, Maria. I enjoyed reading your post. I hope you get to all those places.

I didn't think I would want to be part of this discussion, but after I read the first one, Deanna, I thought why not?

So, I am 64 years old and a retired teacher.  I still substitute from time to time, but my dogs are my biggest time consumer.  I love art projects and work with art projects all the time when substituting (bribe the kids with get the work done that your teacher left for us to do and we can have some fun).  I also teach arts and crafts at the local senior retirement center where my mother lives.  She is 94 years old.

I have been married for 32 years to my husband that I met in Germany where we both worked in recreation services.  He was an arts and crafts director and I was in charge of tours for the 3rd Infantry Division.  We came home to California in 1978.  My husband is also retired and a woodworker.  He specializes in manzanita wood burl.  He has a shop here at our home and shows at a local gallery.  We have one son, Kristoff, aged 29, who is currently getting his master's degree in fine arts with a specialization in glass blowing in RIchmond, VA.

My dreams - definitely not traveling!  I did lots of that when I lived in Brazil and Europe, and only want to travel with my husband and dogs now.  I guess I dream of being a grandmother some day and getting back on my bicycle and ride with my youngest dog, Harpo.  The problem is that Groucho Too is a bad influence on him when I take him out off leash.  We will work it out.  So that is about it.

Hi Lynda, I volunteer at an Assisted Living Retirement Facility too. It is always exciting and never dull :) I love that your husband is a woodworker and your son is specializing in glass blowing. I bet you have some neat stuff to show off in your home. Thank you for your story!

I am 21 and I've been married to DH for a little over 3 years. We started "dating" each other when we were 13, and continued all the way though high school, into college. We did a semester then decided to get married. We don't have any children, and despite the constant pressure from our mothers... will wait at least a few years before trying. I was born in California, but my family moved to Utah when I was 2 and I have lived here ever since. DH and I both work part time and are students. DH is the webmaster and marketing guy for a company, and is getting his degree in Computer Science. I'm getting a degree in Paralegal Studies, and in Culinary Arts. While cooking is kind of "meh" for me, I absolutely love baking. My favorite thing is making cakes, and decorating them. I have done birthday parties, holidays, even a wedding and I would love to do it as a small business one day. I am not a sports fan but I enjoy hiking with Darwin, jogging and spinning classes. I absolutely love reading. I probably read 3 books a week, and like almost any genre. I love my kindle way more than is reasonable. :-) I also love drawing, crafting, photo editing, and many other things. DH and I are total geeks and love watching NOVA and other documentaries. We are also huge Star Trek fans. We bought a telescope this year, and are members of our local planetarium. We're hoping to go to Bryce Canyon this year for astronomy week. I hope that someday soon DH and I can travel more. Growing up, I went to Mexico to visit my extended family every year or so, but other than that I've never been to another country. I want to visit everywhere! I am not sure what my DK personality comes across as. But in real life, I am slightly sarcastic, rarely serious, but sometimes a little bit shy. I hate public speaking, but who doesn't. Mostly, I just love having fun with my friends and family. My family would tell you that I have always been "dog crazy" and they are 100% correct. :-) I received a dog encyclopedia when I was a young kid, and never looked back. We have loved having Darwin, he more fun than I ever could have imagined. And I may be biased, but I think he may be the perfect dog. :-) 

You AND Darwin are just too cute! 
I can't wait to hear about astronomy week.
That darn Kindle is ruining my marriage. I got one for my husband for Christmas and he never puts it down. Of course, I have DK. I am amazed how mature you are for being so young. I know I told you I thought you were older when I first joined DK. You always have such good comments :)



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