Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I just leaned over the back of the sectional to give DH a kiss to the top of his head.  Rooney was on the sofa next to him and looked up at me like "wtd?  you're kissing him instead of me?"  and promptly started licking my face (o.k. my mouth but for those of you who don't go there - didn't want to gross you out).  So I lean over and give DH a good smooch - Rooney shoves his face in and licks me some more with a very sad look in his eyes.  This is the second time that Rooney has gotten into a Kissing Match with DH.  Does your doodle mind you kissing someone (something) else?  Mine does.

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Yep! About the only way I can get a kiss from JD is to kiss someone else...especially another dog! He comes running over and starts washing my face, "accidentally" pushing his rival out of the way.
Oh yeah, Stella can't stand for anyone to get affection other than her. Sometimes we like to mess with her and make smoochie noises with each other to see how quick she is to break it up!
Darwin's more in the "kissing, yuck!" category. LOL. He will give an occasional lick on the hand, but not more than that. Cute Rooney for being jealous!
I think that DH and Rooney are working together.  You kiss DH, Rooney acts jealous, Rooney kisses you, you kiss DH again, DH treats Rooney when you aren't looking.  They are playing you ....... however, it sounds like everyone wins.
Jane, Are you putting a little peanut butter behind your ears to get all these kisses?? I know my DH and doodles would kiss me too, if I was wearing the scent of PB. Vern and Fudge are not big kissers, but Vern will jump up and try and get in on a hug.
Phoebe is bothered when I cuddle with my youngest son.  She nudges her way in no matter what.  I sometimes have my son in my lap but I need to keep petting Phoebe with my free hand.  I love it!
Starlit is a big hugger-Kisser.  Starlit doesn't mind, she just wants to be included.  If we are hugging, she does that push with the nose, pushing inward and upward and comes into a full stand in between us.  We group hug and kiss around here.
Ollie does this too when I hug and kiss my youngest daughter. He comes running from wherever he is and tries to beat her to the kisses. I guess he gets a little jealous of her and not of others since he is closest to her in size and probably considers her competition.
Hmmm I really don't know......I don't kiss DH.  I'll have to give that a try.  (JKOC)
LOL...I had a similar answer in my head :)

Rooney doesn't want his papa to forget that he is the # 1 man in your live, LOL.  My DH was leaving the house and I was at home with Rua and saying good bye at the back door.  I had her in my arms.  My DH and I gave each other a quick kiss goodbye and Rua started butting in.  So, we did the same thing...did a good smooch and Rua had to be part of the action.  It is too cute!  Rua actually kisses my DH more than me.  She gave him the first kiss when we brought her home!  When she is up on the bed with us snuggling, she'll give his kisses and ear snuffs and she'll lay along my side with my arm around her and her head resting on my shoulder.  Kisses from papa and cuddles from momma.

Rua would like to be the only Doodle that Rooney kisses!!!!



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