Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I just might lose my lunch over this...I'm so upset I could cry.....or skin two dogs...haven't decided yet.(crate update)

Yes, they are still puppies. Yes, we walk them every single day and play and play and play and play. Yes we thought we had totally puppy proofed our dining room but somehow, our beaver doodles CHEWED their way into a cabinet and drug out, tore-up and chewed beyond recognition some of my linen napkins, a Longeburger basket and liner, and antique cookbook of my great grandmothers (with her writing in it) and of all things, a bottle of Elmer's glue...all in a 3 hour period.

When I opened the front door today, Penny was standing on the gate with one of the Longeberger liners in her mouth, all proud of herself and making happy, happy, wookie noises. Ginger knew right away that they were in BIG trouble and immediately ran for cover as if I was going to beat her or something. There they both stood, covered in glue and pieces of antique cookbook stuck all over them...I would have laughed if I hadn't been about to throw up. I don't know what to do. We've tried everything except selling them….CHEAP! Oh! And one more YES….They had plenty of toys to chew on. I guess it’s time to kennel them during the day. So sad though, we got two so that they would have each other and stay out of trouble. Instead, they are partners in crime on a mission to destroy my house one bite at a time.

"CALGON tequila take me away"

So I think a few of you might have missed the pics I posted so I'll puth them here...and...THANK YOU ALL!  I'm so encouraged by your posts. :)





Find the treats!!!

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OMG! What an amazing story! This caper really needs some pictures to go with it. I think the crate is probably a good idea for a little while, as they are clearly partners in crime :-) and SO CUTE! I am sorry you had such a dramatic welcome home, I am sure it wasn't funny.
Oh I'm so sorry.  I would feel the same.  Kenneling is not a bad thing, though.
Me too Jared. I've had boxers and labs my whole life....This is just crazy. We give them as much mental and physical stimulation as possible. They just find new ways to get into mischief. I know which one starts it too. Ginger never tore up a single thing until we got Penny. First it was the peepee pads, then the furniture, the plants, outdoor cushions. Anything she can get her mouth on. They are such a huge part of our family but they can't be trusted alone for ONE second.

My Doodle is 4 months old and has been a "little" destructive, but NOTHING like yours.....thank God!  I'm home with him all the time so I'm consistant in disciplining him and watching him.   He definitely likes to chew so I keep lots and lots of toys in a basket for him.  I also walk him a mile everyday to use up the bad energy! I'm so sorry for your loss.  I hope our dog doesn't do that much damage!!!!!  Hang in there!

Mine was lovely at 4 months... and 5 months.. and mostly at 6 months... and then he started trying out new things!  SIGH.  But he is a good dog and not too bad.  The new one is more curious and has gotten into more things.  He tore up my blinds in a mad effort to see out the window (and presumably find me) when I left my oldest son in charge and went on an errand... yikes.


Hope yours stays good though!  I think the moral of the story is -- they can find things and get into stuff at any age and often even after being "good" for a long time.

I agree completely!
Holy cow!  Dogs are really a challenge some days.  We started to allow Monty out of his crate to run the house when he was nearly a year.  He was perfect, until one day........he went to the lower level, chewed up a box of tissues, basket that held coasters, and he had carried down there a pair of 100 year plus button up shoes and an antique childrens book from the upstairs living room.  I was really upset about the shoes, I mean come on......they had not been worn for 100 years, really could he still smell something that made them worthy to destroy??  We gave him the benefit of the doubt, "this would not happen again"  Well it did.  I hated crating him as it just seemed too confining.  We penned him in the laundry for a week.  That took care of his behaviour, but I'm always looking for slip ups.  I feel your pain too, and like LInda, pictures would have been good!  lol  I wish I had taken pics of Monty's destruction but I was so angry I couldn't see straight.  Sorry for your situation.
Hi. I'm new to this forum, and to doodle a ::knock on wood:: comes with my input...I have a 6 month old Goldendoodle and I've crated her since we brought her home at 2 months old, except at night. She winds up spending about 6 hours in the crate during the day, when we aren't home, with two other dogs in the room but not in crates. She doesn't seem to mind at all, though. Its actually the opposite. We just took away one crate because it was getting too small and she was lost without it. The one she spends the day in is covered in a blanket to make it a little darker and its turned into her favorite spot. Its definitely seemed to have made training her a lot easier as well. (again...knock on wood) I think having the other dogs in the room with her, even though they are allowed to wander, calms her and lets her know its nap time and she winds up being a complete joy to come home to. I mean don't get me wrong, you can still come home to a jaw dropping mess, but remember it'll only be as big as the crate you leave them in. And those things are extremely easy to hose off, if only puppies cleaned off that easily. I'm sure if you're considering crating you've already heard it, but just in case...don't use it for discipline if you are going to use it to keep them contained during you're time away from home. It definitely confuses them if you mix the two messages. Good luck with the pups and whichever route you choose to go.
Donna, I'm sure that it is the cookbook of your great grandma's that is the really painful part.  I too am the kind of person that treasures those types of things.  I'm really sorry about that, the rest can be replaced.  I do know that tequilla can dull the pain - lol.  IF there is a doodle sale - let me know - Rooney needs a buddy ;0
Definitely crating. We crate Darwin and he does great. Not only does he love it, but we never have to worry that he's getting into something bad. I'm so sorry about all of your destroyed items. :-(
Oh my!!!  And  from your photo....just beautiful, playful little Doddles!!  Whenever I hear storeis like this and relay them to my  husband, he says, "are you SURE you want to get another dog at this point in our lives"!  (For those of you who don't know, we laid to rest our 17-1/2 year old Westie last summer).  Admittedly, life has been really easy...floating here, there and everywhere without the sudden huh-moment that I have to rush home to tend to Nikki (as was the case for a couple of years in her advanced years!).  And again, hearing these stories and MY  HUSBAND, I pause and ask myself, "Are you Sure???  But I've been lost without the companionship of a dog in my life for almost a year now...and tell's just like asking yourself, "are you ready for a baby" (remember those days?) but once they are here, you'd never want to undo it!! I am so sorry for the destruction!  Ironically, I ordered online a week or so ago and indoor/outdoor confinement pen. It's pretty large (3' high by 5'wide) but I wanted it big enough for the pup to grow into to keep confined when I'm not home.  IT JUST ARRIVED TODAY and I thought wait until my husband comes home and sees this very large box that we don't have to open until July...when the puppy comes!  Guess this is a good idea????  Donna....put lots of goodies and toys in their crate and don't give it another thought until they can be trusted!

You know what's crazy Gayle? They had three of there favorite toys in there. A dog proof Frisbee, their squeaky weasel and...the best one of all and the one that usually keeps them busy for hours, the treat ball (pictured) full of dog food and their favorite snacks. I love them dearly but I'm just beside myself today. Thank you so much for the reply...and yes, they are always worth it, just like kids. I just hope they grow out of it. So sorry to hear about your pup. That's a long time to have a special puppy as part of your family. We lost our kitty of 18 years last year too. :(



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