Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

.Ruby (John's service dog) has ear problems. Gave her a bath & noticed brown wax. Cleaned them out with a good ear cleaning product & now they are bright red & bothering her. Can't get into her vet until tomorrow. (Monday) Any ideas how to relieve her until then? Scared to use the wrong thing. Looked on line & sounds like either mites or infection. Picked up some ear mite stuff at Walmart, but scared to hurt her ears more. Any ideas? Thnx! Susan 


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If it is infection, you really can't do anything until the vet checks her.  We always just clean our pups ears with a combo of white vinegar and water and it works for cleaning, but I would absolutely not use it if they had infections.  I would just try to hold off for one more day until the vet can prescribe something....anything else and you run the risk of just further irritating her ears.

Four years ago when Shelby came home I knew nothing!  I dealt with the same stinky, yucky, waxy buildup. 

BIG TIP--keep the hair around the ear opening, and ear canal cut away.  I use cotton balls soaked in ear cleaner, store bought, and wipe the outside of the ears.  Eventually the redness with fade away but.  Dont be afraid to do it Susan,  I know you can. 

To pull out the hair there is a powder for ears which numbs the ear area.  Suprisingly,  it really works.  Its sticky so if you use rubber gloves it is so so easy.  It looks as if it hurts but it doesnt cause they cant feel it.  Pull the hair out and ta da.  I think you will suprise yourself.

Be encouraged to do it yourself.  Try Try again and you will be a pro.   Wishing you well Kevin and Shelby Roo--

And remember that I walked in your shoes.  Im always here for help and support!

I am sorry that this will not help you now  but tomorrow I recommend you order this from amazon or get it from your vet.  It has been a real lifesaver for my doodles ears!  Lots of excellent reviews.

Thnx so much! will order this to have on hand after we visit her vet tomorrow!
Ellie had an ear infection 2 weeks ago that was pretty bad. I had to take her to the vet and they gave me some ear cleaning solution (even though I had some), pills, and ointmint (Tri-otic).
I clean Neely's ears regularily and he will act crazy for the rest of the night usually. Shaking his head walking off balance as he has to shake while he is walking. His ears will be red after the initial cleaning as well. I would bet that this is all just post cleaning behaviour. Rubbing their head or scratching at the ears things like that. BUT if this continues into the next day then I would keep an eye on it and if it looks bad and she is acting strangely still then I would call the vet.
Also, if it STINKS then it might be infection. Sunny had an ear infection when she was  a puppy, THREE TIMES. She has very sensitive ears, so now we use an ear cleaner every week.
I wouldn't use anything until you see the vet. I've "self-diagnosed" Lola before, and it didn't work out. Just see the vet, then you can know whether its mites or an infection. Lolas had infections all her life, and it just involves drops in the ear 1-3 times/day (depending on brand). Good luck!
I hope it's nothing too serious. How did it go at the vet?

Good thanx for all the advice! Ears looked better at vets. She wasn't all that upset. Gave her antibiotic with cortisone drops. W

ill keep a better watch on it! Live & learn! NEVER had that problem before! thnx again! Susan 

Trying to determine if my Charlie (1 yrs old GD) has ear mites in one of his ears.  I clean his ears with an ear wipe once a month.  They have always been clean except maybe a little dirt on the outside.  This time once ear was pretty dirty...dark brown 'dirt' deeper inside and on the outside.  I didn't notice it bothering him at all until I saw the 'dirt'.  Now I feel like he is itching it and rubbing against the couch on that side of his head.  I don't really smell a stinky odor  Will take him to the vet on Monday but was wondering what your vet said Ruby had.  Ear infection, ear mites, yeast infection???
I use ear cleaner on Bexter a couple times a week.  I really can't see in his ear very well because of hair.  Shelby - How often do you pull out the hair?  Where can I get some of that numbing powder?



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