Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I'm a little confused.
I've been trying really hard to keep my puppy from possible getting any sickness before he is fully vaccinated. but I've been told by my vet again and again - that the importance of puppy socialization is WAY more important than the very small chance he can sick from having contact with other dogs/poop etc...
Am I wrong for - for keeping Buck from taking walks and going to petstores and other people's home that have dogs?
I have to admit - I haven't been too good about the whole - "puppy needs to meet at least 100 people before 3months" but having people over is exhausting work too. I have had some over but not 100.
Should I start to walk my pup?
I would be vet said it's better to be safe than sorry. We walked Peri a lot, but put her in a stroller to keep her paws from touching the ground. As far as socialization, we have many friends with dogs and I introduced her to a few choice ones that I felt confident were healthy/vaccinated/etc... She hung out with my parent's dog a lot and some of the neighbors' dogs. But that is it. We waited until 16 weeks and then started puppy socialization classes and training. Dog park, etc..
And waiting that long for MAJOR socialization did not make Peri any less social. She's a love and is wonderful with all dogs, humans, children, etc...
Take him to petstores by putting him in the shopping cart letting people pe him and some dogs sniff him.
Take him places he will have plenty of contact with people and vaccinated dogs.
Don't be too strict about the shots that he can't see and dogs or people, just be catious about the dogs he meets.
I guess it also depends on how big parvo is in your area. My vet had seen recent cases when Peri came home and she wanted us to be careful. Parvo is a killer and your puppy could get it by walking in crowded areas where other dogs have been.
I should also note we lived in a condo and walked near a greenway where TONS of dogs walked, so of course I heeded the advice and put her in a stroller. For the first 2 months, we walked her back and forth, back and forth in a small area right outside our condo.
But again, she met probably 20-30 people duirng that time because I took her to friends' houses, my parents, she got to pass lots of people on walks in her stroller and I let them approach and pet her. Sorry for the long 2nd response but wanted to clarify my circustances.
thanks for all your advise.
I see the importance of socialization - and I see how freaked out he gets when new people come over and I know that he needs more interaction.
But - I am also so weary of him getting sick. He had giardia when I brought him home and the diarrhea cleaning in those few first days are still on my mind. Bloody diarrhea has a way of staying on your mind for a LONG time. UGH
But - you guys are right.... I can do other things to - get him to have contact - like taking him out to stores or outside cafes and stuff.
thanks Y'all. Everytime I have a question about Buck - I think of you guys first.
I have read a lot on both sides of the argument. Chance of sickness vs. possible socialization issues. We chose somewhere in the middle. We took Darwin on lots of walks, but not to places that dogs are abundant, like dog parks. Our main places to take him were outdoor malls, hikes, etc. He met lots of people that way but very few dogs. We also signed him up for puppy kindergarten so he could interact with other dogs, but they were all his age, at the same level of vaccinations, etc.
He was 12 weeks old when we brought him home....
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