Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am sooo in love with Bexter that I now want another doodle.  Besides, reading about all you 2 dood families is making me crazy!  I e-mailed my breeder about getting first pick for maybe next summer litter hopefully with the same parents, so Bexter can have a full sibling!  However, I told her I wanted 1st pick for a girl.  However, after reading about some of your doodle brothers (Guinness & Murphy, Rooney & Stuart...) I now am wondering should I get another boy?  Any opinions on that?  Which combination gets along better?  Are there any of you DKers that have a boy & girl dog who are close?  Thanks for the advice!  If I want to change my mind & tell her I want a boy instead, I'd better do it soon so I can get 1st pick of the sex I want.  Thanks!

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Traci....Lucca (M) is a little over 2 1/2 and Izzy (F) is almost 9 months. They are wonderful together. They have their issues just like 2 of the same sex would have. There's dominance, human attention, play issues. But all in all they are best friends and play really good together. Tug of war seems to be their favorite. Sometimes it gets loud and one becomes more aggressive to the other but both have their way of telling each other to "back-off" and... most of the time it's respected. I toyed with another male but Lucca can be somewhat "moody" at times and I really wanted a little girl. Izzy is very sweet BUT also can be obnoxious:). But I got my 40lb (so far) lap dog!!!! I guess to answer your question...for me, I choose the other sex as #2:)
If you ask me, I like boys better!  But if you ask someone who likes girls, they will say the same.  And if you ask the breeder I get my dogs from, he'll say that because they are de-sexed so young, they end up being pretty much the same, and their sex doesn't matter after all.  So, to answer your question (or not to answer it...!), I think the answer is:  it depends.  LOL
I have 2 desexed males and they get along just fine.   I had my deposit put down on a girl but switched when the temperment  testing was done and also because I liked the size/coloring of the male better.    I had heard/read that the best combinations are:   male/female   male/male and lastly, female/female.   HOWEVER, I posted the same question you did 6+ months ago and I walked away realizing that the sex just wasn't as important as temperment, size, coloring etc.      My breeder said the same thing as Tamson's breeder (posted above) said:  since they are desexed it doesn't really matter.   My doodles are 2 years apart, btw.   I also think the age spacing is important. 
I have no idea but thank you for starting this discussion.  I get pick of the litter for either sex for a litter born 4 days ago and I have been having the same questions.  I had my heart set on another boy until now when I really can pick any out of the litter and now I am wondering if maybe I should get a girl.
Ronna-How many girls & boys were born in your litter?  Congratulations!  How old is Murphy?
Traci, 5 girls and 4 boys in our litter.  Murphy just turned 17 months.  We were on a list for a litter born about 6 months ago and we decided it was too early. Now I think the timing is perfect.

I have one of each and love it.  They say when neutered they aren't much different, but my Roxy is very girly and Spencer is all boy!  They are from the same parents different litters. My breeder suggested girl/boy is best, then girl/girl next, and boy/boy last.  Everybody has an opinon right?  Talk to your breeder.  Truly it is the right personality match that matters.  I wanted a boy at first, but Roxy seemed to be the best match for us for our first puppy and then Spencer seemed to be a good match with us and for Roxy.  They really get along well.  Spencer tries to be push Roxy, but she stands her ground as first dog.  They play really well together.  Once in a while one will have to tell the other to back off but they respect each other's spaces.  Roxy was never much of a cuddler and Spencer is.  She's been watching him getting all this cuddling and loving and now she's decided to be a cuddler too.   Good luck with your pick.  It's hard to go wrong with either female or male choice.  Doodles are all so great!


One boy, one girl.  They love each other :-)
Ahhhhhh....this is just adorable!!!!
Beautiful photo of them together.

I was going to get another girl until our trainer said the general rule of thumb on the best relationships between dogs are in this order boy-girl, boy-boy & girl-girl...  So we changed our plans and got a boy.. Rosey & Bandit are very close and we have NEVER had one incident of a any fight...they love each other A LOT..  I like having one of each.. just brings a different dynamic to the whole pack:)




Sooooo cute!  They both look so comfy and happy. 



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