Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We have had dogs for the last 15 years - mini doxies and a yellow lab (of course this is not counting the dogs we grew up with ☺) and none of them has really watched TV.  Bear will glance at it if there is any kind of bird on, but Molly will actually watch the TV for up to 15 minutes.  Cracks me up.  She especially likes animal planet, but she also enjoys the news.  I just may have to find her a doodle remote HA

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My two will stop and stare if a dog is on it and it barks or makes some noise. Occasionally if someone talks to a dog like I talk to them they will stop and look too. Otherwise, it's just a few seconds, 30 at the most. That would be so cute to watch them watching TV tho.
Yeah, Molly will just snuggle up right next to me and watch.  I can tell she is paying attention because she will move her head to follow what is going on the TV.  I love it.  One of these days I will have to video it and share.
Cooper prefers to watch us watching TV

Darwin loves watching t.v., especially if there are animals or pups on. 


Darwin you are too cute. Great pic, Camilla.
Too funny ☺
Owen will stop and just watch for a few minutes! Crazy!
Brûlée watches whenever she sees any animals. In fact we say to her, "Brûlée, go look at the tv!" She'll race from another room to look at the tv. She'll stand on her back legs and bark at whatever animal she sees. Really silly and cute!
That is so adorable
Knox watches "it's Me or the Dog" nearly every morning! After we eat breakfast, I turn on our TV in our bedroom, and while I'm getting ready, he lays on our bed and watches his show. It's a great way to start his day! Ha

The first time Echo really noticed the TV was when a girl who's parent's wouldn't allow her to have a horse, was riding a cow. Echo started barking when the girl on the cow went over a hurdle.

He occasionaly enjoys baseball but since I don't watch sports, he has to catch the highlights on the evening news.

Echo also enjoyed (barked) when Mochi (sibling from another litter) got a new puppy.

Sedona may not watch TV, but she certainly listens.  Over the past several months, my husband and I watched the entire Soprano's series (on Net Flix).  Tony Soprano's doorbell must sound exactly like ours, because every time it rang on the show (sometimes several times per episode), Sedona would run to the window to see who was at the door!



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