Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Rua doesn't like fireworks.  Our first taste of this was a week ago Friday night when our subdivision had shot off fireworks at the clubhouse.  She doesn't mind Thunderstorms.


Well, it is 7:45 and the fireworks are starting to go off here and there.  This is Rua's answer to them:





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Awwe...Rua.  I'm with you, Fireworks are MUCH too loud and startling.  She looks like she's playing hide-n-seek and the finder hasn't found her so she's bored.
Rua, Daisy is with you in spirit, she is under my desk and under my feet. She is too big for this space of course but I don't mind. Boom Booms are much too loud.
Aww...she is just the cutest doodle ever! It's 8:15 pm here is AZ and I haven't heard or seen the first firework, so we'll see what the rest of the night brings. You can come out soon Rua!

Rua, I wish you would teach Jack a little common sense, Jack and I went out tonight just for a few minutes in the neighborhood to see some action, Jack has been couped up in the house since Saturday and was begging to go out, This dog of mine was choking himself to get to the fireworks that were being shot off, pullling so hard on the leash, I had to correct him.


I have a video of it, but it came out to dark. Jack had a grand old time visiting with the neighbors and paid no attention to the fact that it sounded like bombs were going off next to him, he just wanted to go up to the people and play.


Rua, I am with you, a nice quiet nice would have been nice, Jack Daniels is a party animal with no common sense.....

Oh Poor Little Rua!  Such a cute nose too...kiss, kiss.  Gracie Doodle thought the fireworks were pretty cool.  Well, actually she thought it was cool that the entire neighborhood was standing in the middle of the street in the dark and all her doggie friends were there too.  Because it was dark she had to stay on her leash so she was a bit miffed.  The fireworks didn't even faze her and we had 6 different areas around us all going off in sync with a radio station!  Very loud!
Rua, you sweet little thing you.  I'm sure if you took one of those pretty little frilly business cards and went to visit the Mayor he would just makes those noisy ole fireworks illegal and then you wouldn't have to hide!  People are just so rude to scare little puppies aren't they!

Rua - Rooney here - well not "here" - my mom took me and Stuart to Michigan on vacation.  Last night, after dark, there was an awful party out on the lake.  I thought we had declared war with Chicago because there were bombs going off and tracer bullets whizzing around.  My mom said it was a "celebration", of what?  Scaring us dogs?  Stuart (who is a little suck up) acted like he didn't care.  That is because all he does is eat and poop - what a baby.  I'm with you - I was scared (and I'm dog enough to admit it) of those boom noises and I'm not afraid of thunder either.  My mom put me in the bedroom with the TV on, something about me getting crazy and jumping off the balcony, and then she came and stayed with me.  I think you are very cute under the furniture - I love you.  xoxo Rooney Doodle

Rooney, oh how I have missed you.  Are you having fun in Michigan?  Too bad your Mom had to take that little suck up with you.  What good is he??  Really, just eat and poop.  Just make sure you keep telling him you were first and that you are the boss.


You are dog enough for me...I'd share underneath the bed with you anytime...'cept I don't think you would fit.  I loved it underthere so much that I stayed there from 7:45PM until 5:40AM.  I slept the whole night under the bed!  Momma tried to get me out at 1AM, but I knew it wasn't safe yet.  Sure enough, 15 minutes later.  BOOM...BOOM...BOOM!


I love you too, Rooney!  xoxo Rua


ps...Awe, Stuart's kinda cute, so say hello to him for me!

Awe! poor cutie pie. I hope she survived ok in the end. What a sweet thing she is. friend has a 4.5 month old chocolate lab that does the same thing.  Under the bed is like her playground and her safe haven. 


This is her sticking her head out from under the bed/bed skirt and resting her head on her bed during last night's fireworks.


Hi Rua, isn't it awesome under the bed?  It's my spot too.....I love it there.  That's where I go to get some peace and quiet and to drive Murph crazy.  Sometimes I steal toys and hide them under the bed where Murphy can't reach them.  I lay there chewing them while he stares at me and cries like a little baby.  I laugh my Doodle butt off when he does that. Nobody can get me when I'm way under that big bed...not even Mom and Dad.  Anyway, I'm sorry those loud noises scared you, but you're doing the right thing staying under that bed....and you look pretty cute!  Have I ever told you that I love redheads?

Rua, sure looks cute for being scared.  Poor thing!



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