Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Rua doesn't like fireworks.  Our first taste of this was a week ago Friday night when our subdivision had shot off fireworks at the clubhouse.  She doesn't mind Thunderstorms.


Well, it is 7:45 and the fireworks are starting to go off here and there.  This is Rua's answer to them:





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Rua - I'm sorry you were scared, but those pictures are SO cute!!!

All of the loud noises should be over by now, Rua.  I'm glad you found a safe place to hide.  Your pictures are so cute.
Smart little Rua!! Poor girl-very cute though!

We have city fireworks display in our Escondido, CA on the evening of July 4th.  The display is not particularly close to us but, they still the fireworks disturb our dogs.


We all gather in our main bedroom (last night it was four Doodles and eight Maltese).  We close the window and sliding glass doors and put the TV on loud.  Usually we watch the Washington DC July Fourth Celebration with singing and of course fireworks.


The sounds of the fireworks on the TV are muted and do not disturb our dogs.


Funny thing, when they were playing bluegrass banjo music, Holly and Sophie were wrestling and looked like they were dancing to the music.

Awwwwww.....little found a nice "safe house" to ride out the boomers!    Sooooo cute : )
Poor Rua!! :-(
AW!  Our neighbors always have a huge party and light (not legally mind you) fireworks.  The explode right over our house.  Ned and Clancy ran outside through the doggy door and barked at every loud boom! We finally closed the doggy door.  I guess they were scared but only kind of????



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