Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Nearly two weeks later...Lucy got hungry enough to enter one of the (humane) traps. Morgan from Forgotten Paws rescue here in the Atlanta area lent us her trap, so we were able to set up two. She also told me that most of the dogs she'd trapped (80 so far!) were lured in by sausage. So, after two nights in a row of sausage, Lucy walked into the trap! She got to eat a lot of sausage to get there, and I'm happy she did!


She's a bit thin, and was scared, but was still very gentle (even when the animal control guy had her on a catch pole, she didn't growl or snap.) I loved the animal control guy who came out. He was genuinely upset that he had to use the catch pole...he was worried it would just be more trauma for her but there was no other way of getting her out of the trap without risking her taking off again so I gave him my permission. I liked that he cared enough to be concerned about could tell it wasn't just a "job" for him.


So now, Lucy Foster Doodle is at the vet getting checked out. The vet won't be able to examine her until this afternoon, but at least she is safe, in air conditioned comfort, and is getting clean water. She smells awful but doesn't really look that dirty (the animal control guy said it was her "fear glands" making the smell). We need to make sure she's hydrated, and that she's not pregnant.


I'm so incredibly relieved and thankful to have her back!


Here's a picture of trapped Lucy!

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Frannie, this is AWESOME news.  Lexi thinks so too.  She said "I'm going outside to tell the Clover, Callie and Apollo.  I think we will do the Happy Doodle dance".  I went to take a picture because I have no idea with the Happy Doodle dance is.  But all I saw was her running around singing and the dogs following her around.
Oh would I love to see Lexi and her "buddies" doing the Happy Doodle Dance.  I hope you can get a picture of this.
Jane, I took a video and uploading now.  It's a song by the way. :)

Such a relief for you Frannie! I know how upset you have been. And the fact that she is no worse for wear is truly amazing! I think the Doodle G-ds were watching over her. There is something incredibly special about this girl - she has been through so much her entire life and she still is doodley sweet! I will be watching for updates on her. Each week I am sure I will be brought to tears hearing how much she improves in learning that her life is now one of love, hugs, humans, toys and great groceries!


Bless you Frannie!!!!!

YEAHHHHHHH!!! I am crying too--seeing her in that trap, all safe and sound brought tears to my eyes--you guys are BEYOND wonderful--so dedicated!!
I am so glad to hear that Lucy was found, and is in good shape and safe.  I have the other Girl, Ethel (now Cassidi) that was rescued with her, and she is also sweet and gentle, but not afraid of People like Lucy.  They have had a rough life, and both deserve to be loved, and have good Homes.  Cassidi is doing great, and gets along with everyone, and will start her Heartworm treatment in a couple of months. I know these last two weeks have been rough, and now everything can get started on a positive note.

Wow, two weeks in the wild, weather etc. And she sounds like she's fine considering all, TG. I am so happy for Lucy and especially for you since I know this was preying on your mind. That girl needs to be on two leashes at once :  )

No wonder she was caught, who doesn't love sausage? Last night the AC installer had dinner at my house. He said it smelled so good when he came in after installing a new condenser. Yup, sausage and veggies with pasta : )

She must have been so scared while she was gone, and relieved to finally be home. 
Great news!  Now we'll keep fingers (paws?) crossed that she's not pregnant!
Love it!  So happy it ended well
What a relief. She looks so relaxed in the cage. She's probably relieved too. How did they know where to set up the trap? You would think you'd catch all kind of animals with sausage. This is very interesting to me.
YAHOOO! Great news :-)



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