Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Does any one have Koi ponds or water gardens in their yards. I have two - a Koi pond and a smaller goldfish pond. I have a large dog run on the side of my house that my dogs use at liberty through the dog door (I am still waiting for my doodle to arrive). My frenchbulldogs don't go in the backyard unsupervised to both protect the fish and dogs (frenchies can't swim), but they still love to go out in the backyard with me when ever I am up for a supervised "visit". I am wondering how others keep their water loving doodles out of their water gardens?

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We do have a pond with koi and goldfish in it.  It's about 7 feet by 5 and about 3 feet deep in the center... tori goes up to the pond. stands on the rocks, and just looks at them and snicker barks... Smart dog even knows "where's the fish" and runs either to the pond or to the back window and looks out at the pond.  She NEVER (KNOCK WOOD) has tried to jump in.  but every time she gets close I say STAAAAY... I don't know if she even likes the water as she has never had the opportunity to go in any water (except our pond that is).  I suppose if you train your doodle NOT to go too close, he/she will learn not to.  Plus, I'm not even sure they an realize that is is water of any depth, as it is difficult to see the bottom and it looks just like a dark circle... maybe?
Thanks Shelly - will definitely work on training to stay away from the edge from day one. Two of my dogs think that it is a large water bowl and drink from the edge when they can - so they know that it is water.
Smart dogs!  LOL.. just watch the puppy drinking from the pond.. do your dogs get the lepto shot?  Not sure if they can catch it from backyard ponds, but I would ask the vet if not.  They're smart... I think the puppy will learn that quickly!
They do get lepto - pretty low risk in this  area - but it is standard practiaces for the area and the boarding kennels require it. Fortunately would be pretty uncommon to find it in a backyard koi pond. More afraid about the dogs falling in and traumatizing my fish! I'll post pictures as soon as I bring my new boy home!!

We have a different issue at my house. I live on the water in south Louisiana and there are alligators. Murphy can and does go in my fountain (he is fish) BUT he is not allowed in the "alligator water". As yet (5 years) we have not had any problem. There is a concrete bulkhead so he can't just wade out.  He LOVES to swim and it is very hot here, but he was trained not to go into that water.

Hope his helps.

Alligator water is certainly much more concerning than Koi water -lol. I am very glad to hear however that folks have been successful in training their pups what water is okay and what water is not okay and that the urge to swim does not seem to be so strong. Thanks for sharing your experience.
We are building a pool right now and even though our two will be allowed to swim in it, (mostly built for them anyway), there will be definite training of them to not go in without being invited. I did train Murphy when he was about 6 months old to stop at the edge of the pool, but we've not had one since he was about 9 months old, so I'm sure he forgot. Doodles are very smart and train easily, usually, so I would think lots of training and surpervised visits would be very successful. GOod luck.
Lucky dogs - a pool! One of the reasons that I wanted a Doodle was because I heard that they were smart and quite trainable ( not so much with frenchies) it is so nice to hear so many people confirm that!



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