Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We simply adore our Molly doodle. She's a great dog.
So naturally we brag on her alllllllll of the time and love to show her off to others that aren't familiar with the doodle mixes.
My dad has not had a dog since I was little and living at well over 15-20 years.
My mother had a dog, but dad really had nothing to do with it, it was small and mom was the one that took care of it. It hated dad, so dad didn't play or acknowledge it much.
He said he would get a dog when he retired...and that was that.
He fussed when I got Molly doodle, said I didn't need a dog, couldn't afford a dog...etc.etc. He even told me I couldn't stay at my parents house when we came to visit, if I brought Molly.
The first time he met her, he came to visit me at my house. He liked that Molly didn't shed or act like your typical puppy, she was more calm and laid back.
He finally said "you can bring Molly when you come home for visits, she'll just have to stay in her crate in the garage" (the garage is air conditioned and heated and attached to the house-so no biggy there).
Last weekend we went to spend time with my mom and dad.
DH and dad hung out in the garage, doing "guy stuff", while mom and I shopped.
On the way home Sunday, DH said "you know your dad really likes Molly. She laid on his feet the whole time."

Fast forward to yesterday.
I was on craigslist and ran across and ad for Sheepadoodles (old english sheep dogs/Std. poodles). The lady had bred her AKC OES with her best friends AKC Std. Poodle.
She was orginally going to start breeding the Sheepadoodles, and this was to be her first litter. She had the parents checked by her vet and the puppies came out healthy and gorgeous.
She couldn't find anyone to buy the pups though! So she was pretty much just looking for good homes and a little money to recoop the vet bills. Not many people know what a Sheepadoodle is...some don't even know what a doodle is period-GASP!!! lol.
So...for reason I have no clue of....I contacted her and asked if she had any females.
She did, she had two females left.
I emailed dad....I don't know what I was thinking...this is the same man that claims he won't get a dog until he retires and made a fuss when I got my dog.

Fast forward.....

I now have a Sheepadoodle!!!!!!!!!
My dad ended up falling in love with the pups! He and my mom discussed it for hours, had me take a gazillion pictures of the pups and then when another guy was coming to get a puppy, dad said "get my puppy before he does!"
His only request was that I help crate train and potty train it.
He and mom are coming this weekend to bond with her and name her.
He'll get her for good sometime in August.

Part of me is beyond thrilled!!
Part of me- the part that had to get up with a howling/whineing puppy- wonders WHAT DID I DO!!!!????

Molly doodle was soooooooooo easy compared to this pup!! Molly is now only 6 months old and I am now counting my blessings with what a great dog she is. I think this little rascal is going to make a great dog too...but good did I already forget how hard puppyhood is!!!!???

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Wow!  This is crazy!  But I love it!  Good luck with the training.'re saying that Molly is 6 months and she's already past the puppyhood stage???  That's good to know!  You will enjoy having these 2 puppies be sisters & play together!  How fun and I'm jealous!
LoL- Well, yes...Molly is only 6 months old...and if you asked me yesterday I would have said "heck no, she is NOT out of the puppyhood stage!"....
but then I got this little tike home and...Molly is a perfect dog!
Molly never once chewed on furniture or household items...or shoes for that matter, she was housetrained in a matter of one day, crate trained in a day. She gets the zoomies but other than that, she's a great dog and def. not as "puppy" as I thought..."puppy" is what this new little girl is...haha! Shes already tried to chew my shoes, she whines like there is no tomorrow, she bounces all over the place...and I'm exhausted, she had me up late, up again at 2:30 and then up again at 6 this morning.
Molly-no lie- slept through the night, the first night we brought her home.
All of a sudden, Molly looks "mature" to me, lol. However, she really does seem to be interested in the puppy and I'm certain they will grow up loving each other :-) So that is exciting for me!!

NO PHOTO!  I was so excited reading "I now have a Sheepadoodle!!!!!!!!!" thinking there would be a picture, oh well.  LOL.

I feel your pain.  Recently dealing with a small dog that was not house nor crate trained was exhausting.  But think of all the extra puppy kisses you get.

I would love to see pics of the sheepadoodle .... must be adorable !!!!
I'll post pictures asap!! Promise! Sorry I didn't think to upload any pictures last night, duh, they were all on my cell phone. I'll upload some tonight and post them :-)
She is a cutie, she looks JUST like a small bear cub, lol. She doesn't have a tail, just a little chubby round butt. She's black, but she has white on her nose, chest and on both of her back feet.
I think she's going to have a wavy coat, more so than a fleece coat like Molly. However, her ears are already looking wavy/curly (kind of like Mollys did when she was smaller).
She's a bundle of cuteness, that's for sure!
She's also a handful!! LoL.

Wow, crazy story.  I hope your dad loves the puppy.  Now your dog has a little playmate when either of you visit.


 I am glad I did not see the ad.  There is a breeder out of state that had a litter of sheepadoodles and I wanted one so bad, but they were all claimed by the time I saw she had them.  Oh well, I'll be getting my pup in a month :).

You're such a good daughter!  It was my daughter who convinced us that "Dad needs a dog".  Soooo glad she did!  Post pictures!!!
Clint- She has one little, adorable, male left....BUT I lovvveeee the pups you're looking at too!! So don't feel bad, you're getting an awesome little doggy too!! I can't wait to hear about your pups first days home :-)
Hahahaha...if I thought I could take on two puppies I'd try, but I'm not going to fool myself.  I guess your right about my litter.  I am just getting a little anxious/restless.  I will keep my blog up to date and as I get photos I will add them to my page.  I cannot wait to see pics of your dad's puppy.

There is a sheepadoodle in our neighborhood named Moses.  They shaved it down for summer, and looks pretty weird.  I hope to see it again in the fall when he's shaggy again.


Your dad will be thrilled.

lol- dad is excited because he will now have a little side kick to follow him around.
He has already emailed me for more pictures today (I sent a ton yesterday).
Dad likes the fact that she doesn't have a tail, lol, he said he won't have to worry about her knocking things over with her wagging. I think she looks like a baby bear cub without a tail...but it's cute.
The mom (OES) was shaved down for the summer, she was actually very cute, they left her floppy head of hair and her maybe that was why she still looked cute after being shaved. Though I thought our doodle looked crazy when we shaved her...I posted pictures here though, everyone assured me she was still pretty, lol.
The dad was actually a smaller sized, cream, std. poodle. I think she won't be over 40-50 lbs. Mom was 50, dad was 40.
You need to post the photos!  I also have not seen a sheepadoodle.  It is great that you offered to help train your father's puppy as that is a big job.  If he is still working, a dog should be the perfect companion for retirement.  But I'll bet he has the puppy before then, and maybe the dog will even hurry his retirement a little.  The pup has a perfect model for doggie behavior (Molly) and I hope he appreciates it.  They will have so much fun playing together.  Take a photo of them together now and others as the sheepadoodle grows larger.  It will be wonderful to compare them at different ages.  I hope your father does not live too far away so that you can visit often.



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