Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Our First choice is Red ribbon which was mine from the beginning.Our second choice is yellow ribbon

Our third choice is green ribbon

Stay tuned for videos!!!!


Came readily, tail up, jumped, bit at hands
Came readily, tail up, pawed,  licked at hands
   Came readily, tail up

Came readily, tail down

Came hesitantly, tail down 5

Didn’t come at all 6
Followed readily, tail up, got underfoot, bit at feet

Followed readily, tail up, got underfoot 

Followed readily, tail up 

Followed readily, tail down   

Followed hesitantly, tail down   

Did not follow or went away   
Struggled fiercely, flailed, bit

Struggled fiercely, flailed   

Settled, struggled, settled with some eye contact   

Struggled, then settled   

No struggle   

No struggle, strained to avoid eye contact

Jumped, pawed, bit, growled   

Jumped, pawed   

Cuddled up to tester and tried to lick face   

Squirmed, licked at hands   

Rolled over, licked at hands   

Went away and stayed away   
Struggled fiercely, tried to bite   

Struggled fiercely   

Struggled, settled, struggled, settled   

No struggle, relaxed   

No struggle, body stiff   

No struggle, froze   
Chased object, picked it up and ran away   

Chased object, stood over it and did not return   

Chased object, picked it up and returned with it to tester   

Chased object and returned without it to tester   

Started to chase object, lost interest   

Does not chase object   
8-10 count before response   

6-8 count before response   

5-6 count before response   

3-5 count before response   

2-3 count before response   

1-2 count before response   
Listened, located sound and ran toward it barking   

Listened, located sound and walked slowly toward it   

Listened, located sound and showed curiosity  

Listened and located sound   

Cringed, backed off and hid behind tester    5 5

Ignored sound and showed no curiosity  
Looked, attacked and bit object   

Looked and put feet on object and put mouth on it   

Looked with curiosity and attempted to investigate, tail up   

Looked with curiosity, tail down   

Ran away or hid behind tester   

Hid behind tester   
Looked and ran to the umbrella, mouthing or biting it   

Looked and walked to the umbrella, smelling it cautiously   

Looked and went to investigate   

Sat and looked, but did not move toward the umbrella   

Showed little or no interest   

Ran away from the umbrella   

Red female:
3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 3, 3, 
Very nice girl, well rounded

1. Social Attraction - degree of social attraction to people, confidence or dependence.    3
2. Following - willingness to follow a person.  3
3. Restraint - degree of dominant or submissive tendency, and ease of handling in difficult situations.2
4. Social Dominance - degree of acceptance of social dominance by a person.  3
5. Elevation - degree of accepting dominance while in a position of no control, such as at the veterinarian or groomer.  3
6. Retrieving - degree of willingness to do something for you. Together with Social Attraction and Following a         key indicator for ease or difficulty in training. 3
7. Touch Sensitivity - degree of sensitivity to touch and a key indicator to the type of training equipment required. 4
8. Sound Sensitivity - degree of sensitivity to sound, such as loud noises or thunderstorms.  3
9. Sight Sensitivity - degree of response to a moving object, such as chasing bicycles, children or squirrels.3
10. Stability - degree of startle response to a strange object.


Green Female   A LITTLE Cautious at first but warms up nicely

1. Social Attraction - degree of social attraction to people, confidence or dependence.  3
  2. Following - willingness to follow a person.  3
3. Restraint - degree of dominant or submissive tendency, and ease of handling in difficult situations. 2
4. Social Dominance - degree of acceptance of social dominance by a person.  3
5. Elevation - degree of accepting dominance while in a position of no control, such as at the veterinarian or  groomer.  3
6. Retrieving - degree of willingness to do something for you. Together with Social Attraction and Following a  key indicator for ease or difficulty in training. 3
7. Touch Sensitivity - degree of sensitivity to touch and a key indicator to the type of training equipment required. 3
8. Sound Sensitivity - degree of sensitivity to sound, such as loud noises or thunderstorms.  5
9. Sight Sensitivity - degree of response to a moving object, such as chasing bicycles, children or squirrels. 4
10. Stability - degree of startle response to a strange object.  3

Yellow Female
SA 3, F 3, Rst 2, SD 3, ED 3, RT 4, TS 4, Sos 6, Sis 1
pretty active, but plays nicely

1. Social Attraction - degree of social attraction to people, confidence or dependence. 3
2. Following - willingness to follow a person.  3
3. Restraint - degree of dominant or submissive tendency, and ease of handling in difficult situations.  2
4. Social Dominance - degree of acceptance of social dominance by a person.  3
5. Elevation - degree of accepting dominance while in a position of no control, such as at the veterinarian or groomer.  3
6. Retrieving - degree of willingness to do something for you. Together with Social Attraction and Following a  key indicator for ease or difficulty in training. 4
7. Touch Sensitivity - degree of sensitivity to touch and a key indicator to the type of training equipment required. 4
8. Sound Sensitivity - degree of sensitivity to sound, such as loud noises or thunderstorms. 6
9. Sight Sensitivity - degree of response to a moving object, such as chasing bicycles, children or squirrels.1
10. Stability - degree of startle response to a strange object. 


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I hope the first person to pick agrees with you and goes for green... So we can have red!!!! LOL... otherwise maybe green will be second choice and we will get her as well, or maybe yellow will be second choice, I can tell you one thing, no matter who we get we will be madly in love, each one will have good points and points that we will need to work on, that is the way it goes, The breeder is amazing, I have known her since Jack was three weeks old, talked to her frequently and now moderate her fan club page, I see hundred plus people with doodles from her and not one compliant, Not to say some issues didn't need to be adjusted but all dogs have come out mentally stable and well socialized...


Now I must get off the computer since Jack is staring at me and had drug his leash to the door..

Be back soon.. This is so much fun

Still yellow! But Red is super adorable. good choice!
Looks like you can't make a wrong choice with any of them.
Aw, they are so cute!
I like blue boy! Oh wait not a choice lol. Green, red, yellow but I did say "oh that one" as I looked at each picture. had to look and relook a couple of times, they are all so cute!
. Blue boy is a cutie pie
I like blue boy too!  But red was my choice from way back - either way - any of them would be fine.

My mom actually asked if she could switch and take blue boy, The temperament testing on blue boy shows he is a character, top dog. He has been observed climbing on top of everyone, jumping, humping and pushing people out of his way, He seems to be pretty independent.. Probably will be a bit more of a challenge to train and not a best choice for a 70 year old women like my mom who has never owned a dog ever...


Jane, I know you said red from the beginning, I think you and I were the only ones that said red.. Lets hope we get her.. If not one of the other two was just meant to be ours.

Now I see why you are choosing red girl first. All of them seem to be wonderful! You are getting a great puppy!
WOW!  I love them all... but do you think these early tests are accurate?  I never knew they did these....very mathematical! I would love to see what Tori's test result would have been... sometimes I think she's ALPHA (with a side order of 'stubbornness'), but I wonder what she would have scored on the sensitivity scales!  VERY interesting!  Good luck!  I hope you get your first choice!  How very exciting for you!
nay I don't put much stock in them really, They won't be six weeks until Saturday, We are going by looks here mostly..... and some heart.. and some testing.... I don't know who second choice is yet... My mom likes yellow better then green this week, last week it was green girl, Are first pick is in, we will find out Saturday at noon EST which puppy will be ours, if we ever decide on a second girl...
Just read the test interpretations! wow! But NO WONDER doodles love paper so much....they use a paper ball to test the retrieving! Come ON.... I say we take a stand here... ALL DOODLE OWNERS UNITE!!! ! Let's fight the use of the paper ball and chip in and get these testers a ball with the Doodle kisses logo on it! doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out! LOL



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