Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I posted previously about Dexter's knee surgery (February) and subsequent slow hair regrowth on his butt (his entire leg and half his butt was shaved - leg hair regrew normally).  His butt hair is definitely growing now, but it's coming in a medium darkish brown!!  I tease that he's now a parti doodle.  

Has anyone ever seen something like this happen?  I don't care it's brown, but it just seems so strange!!

P.S. His knee is a lot better...he still limps (especially by the end of the day), but I think it's about time we start letting him try to be normal. 



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There have been posts about darker hair growth in areas that have been possibly previously injured. Dexter looks great though and this gives him a lovely difference. Maybe you could shave some other areas and he'll be a parti : )
Oh, Dexter, you sweet boy! I hope your leg is feeling better, and i think you are adorable with your new Parti coat!
Wow, how interesting! No idea, but he looks cute.
Yes. We were told Starlit's hair may never grow back when a cyst caused a 6 inch area of hair follicles to die. The hair has grown back with much darker black, is very glossy, and straight. Nothing as dramatic as this. It looks very nice and considering it may have been no hair at all for him!
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This has given me ideas. Do you think if I shaved Luca he'd return to his puppy caramel?

haha - Dex was such a nice apricot when we got him.  We love him as a white doodle, but the darker color reminds me a little of his puppy coat :)

Interesting, no?
Our Springer had CCL surgery and the spot the medicine patch was on did not grow back for months and months and months. His other shaved areas did grow back immediately the same as ever.  I noticed that some people post their doodle coats grow back in differently at injury sites.  Ned had a darker spot for a long time (maybe from a minor injury) but I noticed recently that it looks like the rest of him now.  I think Dexter's new look is actually pretty cool!
Interesting.  Now that I think about it, the spot where his fentanyl patch was is also the darker color.  I actually kinda hope it stays this color.  It gives him a little extra character :)

Lily had an infection on a hind foot due to we think a spider bite.  Her foot was shaved and treated with antibiotic ointment and oral meds also.  It healed nicely but when the hair began to grow back it looked like Dexter's.( she is cream also )  Her vet said this was not uncommon and may go away eventually.  It did!  But took about a year.  With each clipping it showed less and less.  This may happen for Dexter too with time.  If it doesn't, he sure looks cute as a parti!


Never seen this but kind of neat!
I have seen it on a doodle who comes into my store. She cut her side, and the fur there grew back chocolate, while the rest of her had faded to a lavender



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