Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My husband and I have been toying with the idea of adding more doolemania to our lives ever since Rosy was about a year old (she's now 2 1/2).  One of the (mental) sticking points we have is that we want another female but have heard that it's difficult for 2 dogs of the same breed and sex to co-exist peacefully.  Maybe this is an old wife's tale- I don't know, so thought it would be best to take it to the experts in our DoodleKisses community.  Please share your experiences (the good, the bad, the ugly) if you have 2 Doods of the same sex living together in your home.  Thanks in advance everyone!


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it's nice that Rooney and Stuart are puppies together, they're beautiful- and what great markings Rooney has!  Is either Dood more affectionate than the other or are they both love sponges?
Rooney is my velcro puppy, he adores me and doesn't let me out of his sight.  We had Rooney 1st so he had all of our attention.  Stuart is a loving puppy but much more independant - not as clingy which is a nice change.

I have two girls, one spayed (Mattie), the other not (Lyric is being bred three times as a breeding female for my breeder) and they get along fine, although one tends to dominate. Then I added a male pup, Rio, from my female's first litter and he took over! He is a sweetie and gets along great with both girls, especially his "Auntie" Mattie, but he does rule the roost and will growl when they try to take something away.We are working on that as I don't want it to escalate to something more serious. The girls just back away when he does that, though, so no fighting has occurred.

I agree that it is the temperament of the dogs involved that matters--dominant dogs come in both genders!

I have two girls ade 3 and 3 1/2.  Their personalities are different but they get along very well. 

You are the center of their world.   If you make it work, I think any combination is fine.  

I have a male and female and I've seen two of the same sex get along better than these two.  They can't live with each other, but no way can they live without each other.  

"They can't live with each other, but no way can they live without each other".  LOL- sounds like a lot of relationships :)
I have a girl and a boy 5 months apart and they are inseperable.  I kinda like having the dynamic of a boy and girl.  But with doodles it seems ot be more about temperament than sex...
I grew up with female dogs - multiples and there were no problems.  I currently have all boys and they are fine.
We have three boys in our house now, although Bru is a foster, and they all get along well.  That being said, I completely agree that it is more the temperament than the sex - we had a male foster that rode roughshod over our two guys and we've had females do the same thing.  Clifford and Cloud are inseparable and we didn't get either one as a puppy (both were rescues).
When we went to get our second dog, our trainer told us to get a male, since our first is a female. I know many people do fine with dogs of the same sex, but I listened to the trainer since it was my first experience with multiple dogs. I had only ever had female dogs in the past and worried about getting a male. I can tell you honestly, I love having a male dog. Both my dogs get along great and I love having two. Good luck!

I LOVE MALE DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Would get a male doodle next for sure (love my Peri though!).

I grew up with all male dogs, so I have never quite understood the infatuation with females.

I agree completely Allyson, male dogs rule!  (I had a potential adopter once say she didn't want a male dog because she didn't want to see his "stuff" hanging down.  Kind of felt sorry for her husband.)



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