Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

(Oh, poor doodle, little does he know what I'm about to do to him.)

Okay, the Traveling "I Love Intercourse PA" T-Shirt, now signed by Leslie and me, is ready to move on to its next destination. (Boy, is it ready.)

You know, this shirt:  

(It will be washed first.)


Would you like to have The Shirt visit your house?

All you have to do is come up with the winning caption for the photo below:

(Please forgive me, JD)

Ready, set...CAPTION!



(For Laurie's original discussion, click: Snap Caption & Post Contest)

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My mom thinks I don't know what she is doing, but really I have a picture of her in the same pose!! For the right amount of treats, I will post!!!
How about..."OMD!  She's on Doodlekisses AGAIN!"
"Are my bits still there???"

It's not polite to look at the DOODLE!

ROTF Tina!
Neuticals? What Neuticals?
HAHA! I just laughed out loud multiple times, this will be so hard to pick! I wish I was funny...
Does anybody feel a draft?

This is from my DH... "Paris Hilton, eat your heart out"


(you know how she loves the crotch shots!)

When Jack heard his mom say she "needed maximum exposure" he didn't understand that she was talking about the camera.

Very funny!



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