Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Today we took Molly to the vet to have her checked out.. She is in great shape, healthy as can be. Temperament shining through, very confident in herself. She is doing great. Weighs 5 pounds 9 ounces.


I again asked the vet about Jack licking himself so much, not acting like himself etc.. She ran another urine test. His urine was so bad, so full of infection, crystal, strubites and his PH was nearly 8. Which is very high...


The biggest issue . Jack having not had any breakfast at all had glucose in his urine, in order for glucose to show up in urine it has to be above 240 on the test strip.. Since he had not eaten, they tested blood and sugar was almost 300.


This is very indicative of diabetes. His sugar should be under 100. This would explain a lot of Jack's excessive drinking and sleepiness that he has been feeling.


I asked if the bladder infection could cause his glucose to be elevated because I know in humans when a human is sick sometimes their sugar could be elevated.. She said not this high.


We are going back first thing in the am. More blood work and then we have referrals to specialist.. I know how to manage a human with diabetes but not a dog.... They didn't say for sure he had it but they don't know what else would make his sugar so high.


I have taken him there so many times because of his licking his pee pee, we made jokes on here, but I still took him to the doctor..


No wonder he is licking himself so badly.. he has a horrible bladder, kidney infection and is possibly diabetic. I am praying so hard it is not diabetes.. all I think about with that is blindness, kidney disease and all kinds of other issues...


Best case is we will have to change his food because his body can not handle that amount of protein and that the whole blood sugar being through the roof is a fluke.... I don't think it is because Jack has had a major change of personality lately where he has lost so much of his energy, and just wants to sleep so much. I chalked it off to him getting older...


I am so tired from Molly that I can't think straight.. To think something is wrong with Jack is beyond anything I can handle right now.. For now he is on antibiotics AGAIN and he is getting treated with a lot of love. He can not eat after eight tonight and we will try again and pray for different results tomorrow.


Anyone have a diabetic dog before?

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Jennifer, Jack is so lucky to have you as his have been right on top of everything and even though you don't think so right now... you can handle whatever happens...hang in there.. hugs xoxo
When I had my pet sitting business, I had several cats with diabetes and had to give them insulin shots twice a day. Have given dogs shots for other things but not diabetes. Good luck. Keeping you all in my prayers. Keep us posted on how he is doing.
Heart breaking news.  I'm hoping it won't be as bad as it looks, or that there will be a reasonable plan for Jack's health.  I'm so sorry--I know how dear Jack is to you.
Our prayers are with yours.  Infections can play havoc with test numbers.  Get that under control and see what shows up then!    Fingers, toes, and paws crossed!
Oh NO!, Jenn!  I am so sorry.  Try and think of the best case scenario instead of the worst... I know it's hard!  Hang in there.. well all be here holding your hand!  Keep us informed.  Hoping tomorrow goes better!

Thank you guys for your replies, I finally brought myself to do some research on reliable sources on the internet. A few red flags for me were one is dogs with untreated diabetes often have relentless urinary/kidney infections and issues, That has been our story since I had Jack, on and off.


He has not lost any weight though. I know I just have to wait.. be patient and handle whatever it is.. Thank God I have insurance because we are only on day one and I am already several hundred dollars out of pocket and we don't even know what is really wrong, have not started treatment and have not gone to any specialist.....


I can't look at Jack without wanting to cry.. I don't know what else I could have done, He has consistently gone to the vet every six or eight weeks since he was born for one thing or another, many, many times for his bladder and licking his groin.


I will have more answers in 12 hours....Thanks again for letting me vent.. Perspective for me is I know a women who is waiting for results of an MRI of her five year old daughter to find out if her brain cancer that has no cure has spread.. I can handle this with Jack, seriously, I don't know what my problem is....



My Mom's poodle was diagnosed with Diabetes at age 10, he lived to be 16, yes he went blind but only the last year, other than that he "managed". Mom gave him shots with the tiniest little needle, I want to say 2 times a day.

Jen, if Jack does turn out to have Diabetes you can handle it, you are a nurse. It'll just be another part of your life with Jack, so worth it.

Of course that is the worst case scenario, praying for the both of you that he will be better after the antibiotics and food change. 

PS ( I know you love your Vet but shouldn't she have caught this by now....I mean come on - sorry).


Hey's me...

Don't worry...all will work out for Jack and he will get the very best care.

Just have Always taken such good care of take him to the Vet often!  (smile)

You don't ever have to think that you didn't do something you should did your best...and always had them look for everything that might be a question. 

Right are Really... tired...and thing are seeming larger than they normally would be...

You are a good have a good Vet...and Jack is being well taken care of.

You will have more information tomorrow...that will help you and the Vet know the best course of action for Jack...and things will seem more in perspective and in control...

Sending Lots of Prayers...Great Big Hugs...and So Much Love to you and Jack...

Susan and Sasha


I am so sorry to hear that Jack is sick.  Wishing for good news for both of you.
Thinking of you guys, hoping for good news tomorrow.
I will keep you and Jack in my thoughts and hope an infection has caused the upset. Please keep us posted.
Wishing you guys the best of luck today as you head out for the blood test.  While diabetes will be a lifestyle adjustment, it is manageable if that ends up being what Jack has.  Our thoughts are with you.



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