Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
It has been a wild week at our house. It started out last Friday with the e-fence install and the boys getting shocked, Stuart getting stung by a bee and then him developing head tremors from (we think) the topical flea & tick meds. Mid-week we had the broken glass fiasco and last night the eaten shoe caper. Stuart has really started feeling at ease in our family and is challenging Rooney to see who will be alpha dog so we have had some rather zestful humping going on with both boys taking turns. Through it all I have great news to report.
1. The e fence is working so well I'm almost afraid to talk about it as it has only been a week. Rooney really has to be coaxed into the front section but feels very happy running and playing along the side and in the back of the house. We've had some real tests - three times now their puppy friend from down the street was walking past while we were out and when Stuart acted like he might run out the driveway I said the warning words "Watch Out" and the brakes went on! DH was shocked to see them running and playing off leash. Of course all the flags are still up BUT we are on the right track and it brings tears to my eyes to see the beginnings of what is going to be so fun for all of us to have this bit of freedom!
2. Today was our 1st "in home" training with Rooney's trainer. Rather than take Stuart to her classes I've decided I would rather her come to us and work on real life issues. Rooney having taken some classes and Stuart starting out this way - I'd say if you can afford it - to me this is the way to go. She came for an hour that was really an 1.5 and it was $75.00 but she has travel time and gas to consider so I find this reasonable. We worked with each dog on an individual basis and together. Rooney is advanced but boy we were impressed with how quickly Stuart caught on. I plan to have her come once a week till we have all the basics and then we'll go to twice a month ending at some point in the future. My goals are; stop barking on order, doorbell signals get on rug & then stay on rug till released upon guests arriving. Walking loose leashed with both dogs at one time.
She is into homeopathic stuff, it a certified animal massage therapist and she said that Stuart's tremors could have been caused by the shock from the fence but most likely it was the flea and tick. She is bringing some flower something or another to give him that is supposed to sooth his system. She takes it along with her dogs. I'm not sure how much of that stuff I believe but as she swears it can't hurt him - I might as well give it a try.
She also said that she can't believe how calm Stuart is for his age, of course she already knew Rooney and she attributes some of Stuart's calm to being around Rooney who is very calm. I'm very proud of both of my boys. She is Roo's agility trainer and as the weather starts to cool a bit I'm ready to get him back in the action. Hmmm - wonder if Stuart might enjoy it too.
So wow - a wild week here . . . . wonder what next week will bring.
Homeopathic remedies are when infinitesimal amounts of an active substance, whatever it may be , are dissolved in water or something else. They are, IMHO hokum. Here's the Wikipedia take
Read it and weep.
Our breeder uses "Rescue Remedy" which is flower based and is taken by humans and dogs. I have a friend that I worked with in Florida who has used it for years. There is certainly no harm in trying and it may or may not work.
There are many things that are natural in nature that some people find too "out there" to believe in, but I like to think about other countries and civilizations that have been using natural and what we call holistic or homeopathic here, for centuries and it has helped them survive. I don't believe in "Flower power" over anti-biotics say, but we're not talking about an infection here.
Like Jeanne says, an open mind sometimes brings pleasant surprises.
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