Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

WE went camping this weeekend as I am walking with Amante, (trying to walk is what I should say;-) )

We are approached by a group of women who are also walking. The conversation began as usual, "what an adorable puppy" me- thank you." What kind of puppy is he"  me-the kind that gets into everything.  Her-  very irritated "I meant what breed"  me- "he is a golden doodle". Her -"are you certain?' Me -"very" her- "well he looks like a cockapoo to me" me- " well he isn't" her- "well are you aware that some people don't do enough research and are tricked by so called breeders an are not given what they think . I think you are mistaken and have been taken for a fool,you have a cockapoo!" Me-" well I am sorry  if that thats what happened to you. But I have a Golden Doodle and he is smart too! She turned and walked away.

 SERIOUSLY!!!! My husband laughed so hard! why do these people find me!! Why do people think they can come up to a stranger and say these things. My husband says his favorite past time is to watch strangers talk to me insult me and watch me respond!!! I am a nice person. I would do almost anything for a complete stranger. What draws mean people to me. Was I wrong! She started it.!!!!

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Too funny.  Rooney has a bff that is a cockpoo and they do look a lot alike when Rooney's hair is cut short.  I've had many negative comments and I just laugh at their ignorance!

I have seen many cockapoos, and have actually been surprised how similar they are. I was taken aback how rude she was.


Wow!  And you left her walk away with all her teeth intact?  JK!  What a truly rude person.

Funny you say that, my husband actually put his hand on my arm. Later he told our friends, you can say whatever you want about her husband, but insult her children or her doodle LOOK OUT!!!!


Haha...Sounds like what my husband would say about me!!!!  I actually had a man insist that Lucca was a soft coated wheaten terrier and I was totally mistaken and he knew because he bred them for YEARS in Ireland. I was a little taken aback and basically told him that I met his (Lucca's) parents and they certainly weren't the wheaten terriers!!!! I thought of many other things to say afterwards but my brain never thinks of a fast enough retort!!!
Somehow, society has gotten to a point where too many people feel they have the right to say anything to anybody - even if it's none of their business.  Why that woman felt she had the right to question your ability to research breeders and select a dog breed is beyond me.  And even if you had been "taken for a fool" - why does she feel it's her right to tell you to your face.  You clearly love your puppy and really that's all that matters.  Shame on people who can't keep their opinions to themselves.

Thank you!  I just had to vent!! I still get irritated when I think about it. My BFF reminded me when someone told her son was adorable, but needed to have his ears fixed so he wouldn't be made fun of as he got older.

I need to take a deep breathe!!! LOL! My Sicilian blood is starting to boil AGAIN!!!!

I was asked this weekend while out training my dogs, if they were one of them "new designer dogs."  I just said they are goldendoodles.  The guy then says, "Oh, so a labrador retriever and a poodle?"  No, that would be a labradoodle.  This is a golden retriever and a poodle.  With that I just kept walking....while he was heard saying  "good lookin' dogs."

People are unbelievable.  I was walking last week with Riley when we were on a grass verge beside a cul -de -sac which had a notice Private Parking, Residents Only  a woman approached me and told me in a very aggressive manner that as this was a private road I must leave.  As there are no private roads except in gated communities in Ireland  I told her that I wasn't parking and wasn't going to leave, in fact I was going to walk up and down the cul de sac as I pleased.  The woman was verbally abusive and a torrent of really rude stuff spewed forth. When I asked her for her name so I could make a police complaint for verbal assault she hastily backed off and retreated to her little world indoors.  I was very shaken as I'm sure you were with that tirade about Amante.  What are people thinking about throwing insults and interfering in things that are none of their business.  I blame this all on a lack of respect that has crept into society and is the cause of lots of bad behaviour.  If grown women are behaving like this then why are we surprised when some youngsters go totally wild.  BTW here on DK I have only seen courtesy and kindness.  There are lots of good people in the world, pity that we have to meet some of the horribles sometimes.
Nicky good for you!  I had my own incident this weekend but it wasn't with the dogs.  It has been raining like crazy here in Florida and because of that they have declared at our golf courses in my development that it is "cart path only', meaning that you are going to do A LOT of walking.  To drive on the course now would tear it up and kill grass, etc.  DH and I were playing and the 4 men in front of us - one cart kept driving on the course, this after they were told at hole 1 not to do so.  I nicely yelled forward to remind them, next hole on it again.  This time I yelled not so nicely.  The man drove his cart back to me and said "this heat is going to kill me - I have a bad heart".  I told him that unless he could keep that cart on the path - then he really needed to stay home as we all are going to have to pay for the damage that he was causing.  At his age?  Really?  Some people think they are in a class above the rest of us and have no respect for anyone or anything.
This is a classic example of "the rules are for everybody else - they don't apply to me because...".
People always think Coco is a Wheaton terrier and act appalled when I say she's a Goldendoodle!! I hate that too.



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