Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Has anyone tried the Science Diet Weight Loss System? I was wondering if it really produces results. Hercules has been on a diet for over 3 years now, but is still overweight. He's 82 lbs. and only gets 2 cups of food per day, so reducing his intake any further is not an option. I will, of course, get the okay from my vet before changing his food again - certainly don't want another incident like what occurred last week. Due to his age and arthritis, Hercules is not very active at all, so I'm hoping the weight reduction will not only make him healthier, but also make him feel much better and promote mobility.

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You said he has been battling cancer so my thoughts are should you be reducing calorie intake at this time?  is the cancer causing increase or decrease appetite.   A lot going on with Hercules to consider:  Age, arthritis, CANCER, and excess weight

Science Diet--well it is not good food when you have a healthy dog let alone a dog with many health issues!

Yes, he needs to lose weight. The excess pounds are causing unnecessary stress on his body and seriously reducing his mobility and overall wellbeing. His appetite is still overly hearty. He's always been "a walking garbage disposal" - has eaten everything I've given him, except carrots.
There are lots better foods for a weight reduction diet than Science Diet. It's very poor quality food which utilizes the cheapest ingredients and often contains preservatives and synthetic vitamins which have been linked to cancer and other diseases. I would avoid anything made by Hills like the plague, even for a healthy dog.
Wanna call our vet and tell him? He ALWAYS says to put our cat on it!
Mine too, she has my fiance convinced that Hill's extensively tests their food for quality, but no other companies do!
Never feed Hill Science Diet!!! I don't even know how they are even allowed to claim that they are "priscription"!!

We used the "string bean" diet on one of our frenchies many years ago who was a bit over weight and LOVED to eat. 1/2 can of beans on top of her reduced portion of food. She loved the beans and it was very successful. We never fully weaned her off the beans because she loved them so much, but when her weight was stable she got a few token beans on her food, so that it looked "proper" to her.

Thanks, Cindy. That's a good idea. I'm going to try it tonight. If he likes the beans, then I can reduce his dog food slightly more.

for better mobility, give glucosamine supplements.

I would NOT use Science Diet, Medical, Royal Canin or any food full of corn, wheat and by-products. look in the Food Group for more info and recommendations.


I have an overweight cat and have tried many foods - the only one that seems to work is Evo - which i hate to feed her because it was bought out by Proctor and Gamble, but it is still a very good food.


look for a high protein and therefore low carb food - the high protein will help an older dog, and the low carbs will help reduce weight


if he has been sick recently I would go with a low cal food - reduce the food and add either beans as already suggested, canned pumpkin, or even canned dog food (as it is 78% water) to help give the "full" feeling

Kaytlin, what would you think about Orijen Senior, supplemented with green beans?
Unfortunately, high protein/low carb foods make Hercules sick. My vet and I have both discovered that Hercules' digestive system does best on (what many people perceive as) low-quality foods or junk. Here's hoping he likes green beans. :O)
I would go with two cups of Orijen senior and green beans for bulk. I agree with everyone that Science Diet is NOT good food.



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