Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

************I may not be able to type my hands are shaking so bad.  This is as scared as I ever need to be, there IS NOT enough wine to fix this.  I just took the boys for a nice evening stroll on leash of course and as I was headed back towards my house - a dog - the size of a small pony came running loose from around the side street.  It's owner was hot on it's trail but of course it came charging right up.  I was trying to straddle my boys in a lame attempt to shield them with my legs from the mauling that I was sure was about to start all the while lunging to grab a hold of the monsters collar.  I'm screaming to the lady "get your dog, get your dog".  She got him under control - if you could call it that as the dog is a 120 lb BIG gray thing and she looked like 100 lbs wet.  What kind of dog was that - tall, very tall and very short sleek hair.  Head as big as a humans and fully intact.  Turns out he is a sweetie named Blaze who saw a chance to run and went with it.  Stopped my heart for a few minutes because there would have been nothing I could of done to stop an attack that dog was so big.  Stuart thought this was all great fun, Rooney was just in a daze.  So while we are making introductions - YOU GUESSED IT - HERE CAME THE DAMN GATOR AGAIN.  Does anyone have any spare Valium?  I think I'm just going to bed early and pray I don't have nightmares.  *********

This has been a crappy rough morning.  It started with me waking up around 3:30 concerned over the fact that Rooney hadn't gone poop for over 1.5 days.  Is he still eating - check, acting normal - check - WTD?   I laid in bed pondering why these doodles have so many poop issues.  Both boys can have soft, runny or hard poop - all in one bowel movement.  Stuart will go any where from 4 - 6 times a day and Rooney (usually 1-2).   Drives me nuts I'm here to say.   So now from getting up so early - I'm tired and grumpy.  Add to the fact that the boys will go to daycare today as I have a Dr. appt. and I NEED Rooney to poop for my sanity.  Out we go - but no, it is still dark out so Rooney will not leave the porch, I finally lure him out with a treat just far enough for him to lean over a little mulch and pee.  Stuart once again has the runs - nice.  Back inside to feed the boys but Rooney is looking at me like "I have to go potty" so I postpone breakfast and go back out, just he and I go but all he wanted was to fetch the paper as it was a tad light out.  Back inside - make coffee - Skype dh and tell him Rooney is being an ass cuz he won't poop and now I'm convinced he is doing it on purpose to stress me out.  "Well why would he do that?", DH asks me, "maybe because he can see that I have suitcases out and am packing to leave', I say.  Hmmm - these dogs are too smart for their own good.  Now I am desperate so I put Stuart in his gate and take Rooney's ecollar off and leash up and we stroll up and down the sidewalk till he FINALLY poops.  He smiles at me so sweet while he did it too - hard to stay mad at that cute face.  Back inside to feed both boys.  Ahh maybe the day will get better.  After breakfast I take my cup of coffee and the boys out to my favorite spot, the back yard over looking the lake where I have a little bench.  Peace and quiet, morning calm, the boys playing and they I see IT.  Heading straight for us from across the lake - a gator - a good sized gator.  Cue the music from Jaws!!  He either could see us or hear us or both but he was making a bee line and I'm realizing that we gotta get outta there fast.  Rooney!!  Stuart!!! Let's GO NOW!  Rooney must  have sensed the gator because I didn't have to call him twice - he came running.  As I turn my head I see Stuart, Stuart - omg - was right in the middle of taking a big poop - right there 5 feet from the water.  HURRY HURRY Stuart!  I flung my coffee cup down and quickly got Rooney back on the lanai and ran back to get Stuart praying that he would get done pooping before he became a gator snack.  The gator had stopped about 5 feet from the waters edge and had only his eyes left up out of the water WATCHING my boy.  Snatched Stuart and RAN.  I'd like to start this day over.

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Jane, thanks for the laugh this morning!  I needed it :-)) Hope the rest of your day is better than it started out.
I hope you weren't wearing your red high heels : ) This would not be my favorite coffee spot. Too much stress watching for those beady eyes and anticipating snapping jaws. But seriously, I think maybe lots of us spend too much time studying poops. I try to feed the dogs consistently without allowing more than minuscule bits of human food or not so wonderful treats. Then I let them out . When I collect poop I never know who, what where or when. But if something were truly amiss it would catch my attention.
Poop is nothing compared to a gator. I have to say I probably would have been so scared that I would have snatched Stuart mid poop! Good boy Rooney! So glad you 3 are ok! Yeah-I'd say that tops the bad morning lists of all times!
We are on opposite sides of the country (Seattle) and I worry about Coyotes.....They make a high icky yelping noise and my pups go nuts.  Once in a while they escape out the front door and run for the woods.  No amount of yelling will stop them and I always worry they will become a coyote snack.  Your story gave me the creeps big time. (glad Stuart and Rooney pooped tho)

OMD!!!  I'm scared just reading this.  Glad it turned out alright, and hope your day improves!


Yikes!  My heart was pounding there!  Maybe you should hire Billy the Exterminator or something!
That would have made me poop in my pants!

OMD how scary!

We too are packing up to move, and I think the animals KNOW something big is going on. 

Scared the sh--t poop outta him did it? We always had gators floating by our back yard lake in Fla. DH always said they were more afraid of us than we were of them, but when a child or a dog is near the water, I never would debate that!  We just RUN!!!!
Yikes!  Glad you handled everything and got your boys to safety!  Maybe a gun out back with coffee isn't a bad idea!  Should we nickname you "Annie"?
Jane, this is too scary for me.  I admire your courage to live in such an environment. I would have to move. Maybe Rooney doesn't poop when he can smell a gator nearby?
I think that would have made me poop immediately.  That's your second close gator call!  I can't believe they won't let people have fences.



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